

The building opposite
Write a narrative on the term "Life becomes meaningless unless"

Around the corner there was my love. when I woke up I reached the window and gazed outside waiting to see him drive out of the garage to work. I'm sole innocent and young but opposite my building lives my love. I keep on gazing on daily basis I don't cease. This hath made me abhor the night for it keeps me away from him but so many times I try to keep up when he returns though my eyes seem not to understand that I'm in love. They don't let me awake as long as I fancy even more but 7pm I'm on my bed sleeping everyday. This is my everyday pill prior to getting out of the house. Before I even brush my teeth when I still seem sleepy. A day does not pass by nor should it inasmuch as I might not make it alive. You know when you don't drink that vital pill that keeps you going and suddenly you put your life at stack. At least if he would for once notice me inasmuch as he never ever looked to my side. In my upstairs bedroom, though my house is explendid and attractive, he never looks to my bedroom window and that's why I haven't been smiling. I don't think I ever will as long as my love ain't noticing my exquisite mug. Everyday feels like I'm dreaming but there's light in my dream. Dreams change but mine doesn't seem to always the same, location and space. My eyes don't grow weary instead I hope to see him longer than I usually do. I have for long caged myself in this life of dying for my love. Once it happened that I didn't go out of the house inasmuch as he didn't go out. I missed work but it didn't matter for my position is solemn but free. The company can still go on without the designer, I mean I can skip a day as long as he ain't going out I'm not. This is the day. After I had a horrible night with my sister fighting over her losing my sketch pad which had my new designs. I don't know why she dared to even touch it knowing how careless she is. we wasted three hours arguing since I came from work and I didn't rest. I chased her out of the house and she left so angry of course. Last night was a tiring day. I got home to find my amazing sister sitting at the lounge watching Tv and all that had been in my mind was my sketch pad which I had forgotten in the morning. I won't mention why I forgot it inasmuch as it would really be vexing to know. She gave me a warm welcome showing hospitality in someone else's abode. A great surprise though, I mean she didn't mention that she was coming but it's okay. She noticed how I rushed to my room showing I really fancied something and she followed me. " So what's up?" She asked as she stood and I was rummaging in my wardrobe though I know very well that I never place it there. " Looking for my sketch pad." I implied and she didn't even say a word. I turned over to her and noticed that she was looking anxious. " Anything wrong?" She faked a smile and bend over as though she was looking for it and all that came out of her mouth was, " I..think I saw it there." She implied as she drew near my bed side and checked under the pillow. I thought to myself how she thought of that inasmuch as I sometimes live it there after I'm sketching and feel tired. I mean I always sleep at 7pm. " I really need to find it. Tomorrow it's needed." I implied and she noticed how pale and anxious I looked which made her finally confuse. " I misplaced it." I scowled, " WHERE?" My eyes were wide open and hands on the air. I saw she looked small and innocent. " I don't even remember." She implied and was shaking. I say on the bed because in this moment I was already so very angry, I didn't even want to see her mug and she knows me when I'm angry. she slowly left the room and when she had reached the stairs ran downstairs. I followed after her. " Can you tell me why you had my sketch pad in your possession?" " I was bored." One thing about my sister is that she doens say much. Her sentences are largely specific. It's the reason why she doesn't like explaining inasmuch as she doesn't imply much. Showing no care she sat on the couch and got back to her phone and I stood there looking at her, wondering. " Risle, are you being serious right now?" She didn't answer but looked at me shruged. " Come on don't be like this. Where did you misplace it?" " I don't know but you will find it." She literally said, "I" will find it knowing very well who misplaced it. Next she does it get a chewing gum from her purse and right in front of my eyes remove the cover and put it in her mouth. She is chewing in such a state. She is chewing in such a condition. There's not much I can imply anymore. My dictionary is offline. I quickly go to the kitchen, grab a bottle of water from the fridge and drink it all up. Drinking water calms me down most times and trust me it makes me at ease. Calmly, I went back to her and said, " Please excuse my abode." She didn't hesitate but stood took her bag and walked to the door and prior to ditching she implied, " I'm sorry though." That was her going out of my abode.

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