

Me Jumping Into The Fire of Success(before I left for where I am now).
Does life give us a second chance? The race had begun and he/she wondered if he/she would win this time round.

Holy....fuck. I can't breathe. My chest hurts but I can't get there until my heart rate slows down so I push the pain back and I resist the urge to vomit on my feet and I walk through the pain and then I might get better at this whole thing. My hips hurt but I can't feel it. All I hear is the voice in my head saying," One more lap around the ward and then you're through." My breath hitches as I walk with the walker they gave me.I can hear it as I exhale. My sternum hurts but that's good because I'm back to being muscular again and then I can leave the hospital or so they tell me. Victoria House here I come!