

Scarlet Woman
The effortless (derogatory) term that can be used for a woman is 'Nonchalant'. A woman is the most expressive being found on planet Earth. She feels not only for her partner, her parents, her kids, her colleagues, her helpers, her friends but also for plants and animals. Once she starts doing anything that interests her the most, she is cornered as an accused, slapped with guilt and self confrontation. Any road trip to enjoyment, feeling all about herself is soon put behind the bars. A little glow on face, spark in eyes, smirk on lips, a laughter that reaches her heart and stomach is easily jinxed.

In her 24*7 busy life, a few minutes of her being with herself are considered as the biggest crime. The fellow beings, for whom she ignores herself, become her biggest punishers. They judge her, expose her, taunt her and torture her. She is put in an imaginary witness box, with questioning eyes and forked tongues, poking her sensitive insides. She is speechless, her explanation is worthless, her eternal being is formless.

She is just an entertainer with age as her credit card. The older she gets, the less credential she becomes. She does not wish to be only scarlet in color, she is a vibrant rainbow inside, a rainbow that can never peep out of the dense clouds.

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