

Iris [Twilight] - 2
Happiness never lasted long.

And Iris had learnt this lesson at not even a year old.

As a baby, Iris was happy. And how could she not be? She had everything a baby girl would dream of if baby girls could express clearly what they desired. Iris' great-aunties would spoil her with expensive clothes and toys. Her great-uncles would tickle her and play with her. Her mommy would tie ribbons around her head and read her storybooks. Her daddy would toss her in the air, showing her she could fly with a little help.

Life was calm, until her parents suddenly died in a plane crash, going away on their very first getaway since Iris was born.

Any sane person would have thought Iris' family on her mother's side would have taken her.

But all of them had left her shortly after Iris had started crawling, their immortality plaguing their lives forever. The Cullens had stayed in the state of Washington for far too long.

Had they stayed for longer, they could have saved Iris.

And to this day, they still regret the choice they made years ago that almost costed their Iris' life.

#twilight #fanfiction