

Part - 3 : Between Universe
As Maya followed the aliens through the bustling corridors of their spacecraft, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at her. Everything around her was alien, from the architecture to the technology, and she couldn't help but wonder.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally reached a grand chamber adorned with intricate patterns and pulsating lights. At the center of the chamber stood a being unlike any Maya had ever seen before. Its towering figure emanated an aura of wisdom and authority,

The alien leader regarded Maya with a gaze that seemed to pierce through her very soul.

"You claim to be a mere scientist, yet your presence here is unprecedented," it spoke, its voice resonating with a deep, otherworldly tone.

Maya swallowed nervously, feeling the weight of the alien leader's scrutiny.

"I assure you, I mean no harm. My only intention was to study the anomalies surrounding Trappist-1," she explained, her voice steady despite her inner turmoil.

The alien leader remained silent for a moment, contemplating Maya's words.

"The anomalies surrounding Trappist-1 are of great significance to us as well," it finally spoke, its tone softened slightly.

"But your sudden appearance in our universe raises many questions."

Maya felt a glimmer of hope. Perhaps she had finally found allies in this strange new world.

"I'm willing to share everything I know about the anomalies," she offered, hoping to earn their trust.

The alien leader nodded, its expression unreadable. "Very well. We shall convene with our council to discuss the matter further," it declared, signaling for Maya to follow.

As Maya followed the alien leader through the winding corridors of the spacecraft, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.

With the help of her newfound allies, she would delve deeper into the mysteries of Trappist-1 and uncover truth.

In the days that followed, Maya immersed herself in her research alongside the alien scientists. Together, they pored over data, conducted experiments, and explored the anomalies surrounding Trappist-1.

The anomalies were not just natural occurrences but were, in fact, intricately linked to the fabric of the multiverse itself. These connections were the result of ancient solar storm events that had created pathways between different dimensions, allowing for travel between universes.

The connection that had allowed her to communicate with Earth had been severed during the chaos of the invasion. Unbeknownst to her, however, her voice still echoed across the void, transmitted back to Earth through the remnants of the connection.

However, their research was abruptly interrupted when a fleet of spacecraft suddenly appeared on the outskirts of the Trappist-1 system. These were not like the friendly vessels of Maya's alien allies but were instead menacing and heavily armed.

Caught between two worlds, Maya stood alone, her heart heavy with despair. She had fought so hard to protect both Earth and Trappist-1, but now she found herself rejected by both. As the forces of Earth and Trappist-1 prepared to clash once more

As the battles subsided, Maya found herself stranded between two worlds. The connection that once bridged Earth and Trappist-1 had faltered, leaving her isolated and cut off from both her home planet and her newfound allies.

On Earth, oblivious to Maya's plight, humanity's leaders had made the decision to launch a preemptive strike against the invaders. Fueled by fear and a thirst for vengeance, they mobilized their most advanced weapons, ready to eradicate any threat to their world.

Meanwhile, on Trappist-1, Maya's former allies saw her as a traitor who had betrayed them by bringing the invaders to their doorstep. Anger and resentment festered among the alien population, their trust in Maya shattered by the chaos of war.

End of part - 3

© Aboorva