

The origin of camp-halfblood
~Elena's POV~
Splash! I grabbed a fish from the water, grinning. "Look Chiron!" I exclaim with joy at my mentor. "I caught one with my bare hands!"
"Good job Elena! Not many heroes can do that," the centaur congratulates me and rubs his beard.
"When do you think I'll see my dad?" I've been working for earning my father's respect since I'm an orphan. My mother died from the plague when I was 8. I'm 14 now. I should be married by now, probably pregnant with some prince's son. Then Chiron found me wondering through the woods and trained me.
"That is not for me to say. The gods work in their own ways and are very busy. I'm sure he'll make a sign for you to know he's around."
"Perhaps. But I have not seen such a sign, Chiron."
"You don't always see signs but they're there. Maybe you hear them, or you simply don't notice them." We walk back to Pelion in a comfortable silence.

One morning Chiron asks me what I would like to learn that day. "Anything except war, please. There's no point in it. Why fight when there's peaceful ways to address different subjects?" I asked him.
"Some things just can not be addressed in a calm manner. Monsters from Tartarus are awaking more quickly than ever. They are ruthless and only want to kill demigods and gods. You must know how to defend yourself." He's never been that sad before, I can hear it in his voice.
"Yes, Chiron. Have you known any demigod killed by monsters?"
"Yes. Multiple. Some deaths can't be prevented though. They were on their own without my protection. I couldn't have helped. That is why I train you to fight, not for war, but for protection." He explains and I nod. From then on I trained in swords, bows and arrows, and spears.

I've just turned 16 today, that is a great deal for the men in my culture. That is when princes get a cape from their father. For me, it's just like any other day, at least that's how it started off. Chiron told me to run along and see what animals I can discover. By now I know every bird call, rodent squeak, and coyote howl on this mountain. I freeze when I hear this terrible screech and smell a horrible stench. I don't recognize the sound but I notice it's getting closer. I climb the nearest tree and draw my sword. Coming from the same direction of the sound, there is someone screaming. As they approach my line of site I recognize that it's a girl running away from a Yale. A Yale is pretty much a funny looking goat with cool horns, but is super territorial and endangered. I only know about them from Chiron, they're not supposed to be anywhere near here.

I start quickly making a trap for it but there's not enough time. I jump down on top of the Yale and pin it. "Hey it's ok. They're no longer trespassing on your land. You did a good job defending it. Now I would appriteate it if you went back to your land in peace once I release you, deal?" I ask the Yale and get no response besides a grunt. It ends up retreating the way it came, leaving the kid in the dust. I turn towards her a ask, "Hey, are you ok?"
"Yeah. That just was a little too scary for my liking. Thank you for saving me," she answers with a shy grateful smile.
"It was my pleasure. May I ask how you got that creature to chase you all the way here?"
"There were other monsters I was fighting on my way here and I must have crossed a line or something, because then that thing started chasing me for hours non-stop."
"I'm glad that you're alright now. That's what matters."
"I guess you have a point. This is unrelated but do you happen to know where Mount Pelion is?"
"What do you hope to accomplish there?"
"My mother said that I should train with Chiron on Pelion. She said that he'd know exactly how to make me the best farmer in Greece," the girl says which confuses me slightly since women in Greee don't get to be farmers, unless we're slaves. Why any mother want that for their child, I'll never understand.
"Ah yes, Ms. Arista welcome to Pelion." Chiron says which scares the frightened girl named Arista.
She stutters slightly then clears her throat. "Hello Master Chiron. It would be an honor to learn from you."
"Chiron is fine. Right this way to my cave where we can do proper introductions," he says so we follow him.

We sit in a relaxed triangle in his cozy rose quartz cave. "Elena would you like to introduce yourself?" Chiron asks me.
"Yes please! I'm Elena, I'm 16, and I've been staying with Chiron since I was 8 so he's been training me for 8 years," I explain to Arista.
"I thought most heroes leave after 1 or 2 years," she asks me and Chiron.
"They may. You can leave whenever, or stay as long as you'd like." Chiron explains. "Are ready to introduce yourself, daughter of Demeter?" Chiron asks her.
"I guess-" she starts but I rudely ask my boiling question.
"Wait you know your godly parent?"
"I've met her in dreams, but never in person. She's not picky with claiming her children," Arista answers.
"Well your name makes a lot more sense now," I laugh because Arista means harvest in Greek.
"Yeah I guess. Anyway so I'm Arista and I'm 13. I've only known I'm a demigod for 2 months. I'm ready to learn whatever it is you'll teach me, either of you." She says.
"That's great. We will get started tommorow. For now, you rest," Chiron says then we had calm conversations and shared campfire stories.

Arista and I are exploring the woods. I tell her legends of Pelion, as well as explain what certain animals and plants are. She's very interested in the plants. "This one is poisonous, correct?" She asks and points to one.
"Yes. If you eat it you'll die by two moons. How did you know that?" I ask with curiosity at her intelligence.
"I guess that's just a Demeter kid thing."
"That makes sense. So you know how your mom wants you to be a farmer?"
"Do you wish to be a farmer?"
"Elena it's not like I have much of a choice. She's a goddess and it's what she wishes."
"You're not answering my question though. If you could have any fate, what would it be?"
"I don't know. Maybe a warrior, but I'm too scared for something like that. Probably just an undetermined one."
"All fates can be undetermined. They spin string, nothing is ever permanent. String can change over time. You don't have to be a farmer."
She smiles at that thought. "That would be nice. If you could be anything, what would you be?"
"A musician. I'm happiest when I create music. I know that it's not really admired in our society, but that is the thing that brings me joy."
"Music huh? Maybe you're Dionysus's kid. He likes music, doesn't he?"
"Perhaps. I don't think he's my father though. I just wish my dad, whoever he is, would just show me a sign, you know? I feel forgotten. I know the gods have a lot of kids, but can't they at least stop by and say hello to one of their kids?"
"The gods are very strange. They only show up to provide help and information for heroes or their favorite mortals."
"Yeah. I just want to know who he is. Life would be easier not constantly wondering." She nods and we drift into more fun conversations about teenage problems. Acne, guys being jerks, favorite weapons, the best Greek heroes, just your normal everyday conversations.

One night Arista asks Chiron if we've been staying on Mount Pelion too long.
"Of course not. I enjoy your company," he answers.
"Other heroes have left after a year or two. I've been staying almost my entire life. Arista has been here for two years. That doesn't bother you at all?" I ask him. He rubs his beard in the dim firelight that the cave offers.
"No. Heroes don't leave because I make them. They leave because they wish to. They have important quests to embark on. They leave to join wars." Chiron explains with a reminiscent look.
"Do you miss them?" Arista asks.
"Yes. That is just the way of life. I'm sure they're in Elysium," Chiron says.

After two moons, Arista and I notice new footprints on Pelion. They are human, but not ours. Each day, we go out to try and find the trespasser but today is different. We see human movement near thick trees. We nod at each other in silent conversation. Arista climbs trees and goes around to the source of the movement while I distract. "Hello," I say in the direction of the human. "Is there any particular reason you're here? I know that you're here."
A man's voice in that direction replied, "I mean you no harm. I came to see Chiron. I've been told by wood nymphs that I could find him here, though I haven't met him yet."
"If you want, I could help you get to him. You just have to come out."
"How do I know you're not a monster?"
"Have you been attacked by any monsters since you've been on Pelion?"
"No, but that doesn't mean there couldn't be monsters."
I take a deep breath and try to sound reassuring. "I've been here almost my whole life and there's only ever been one monster attack, and that's because he was following someone else. I don't think you're being followed by any monster. You have my word."
"Alright then, I'll come out." The voice starts to get closer and Arista comes from a nearby tree.

The man is actually pretty young. He has curling black hair, kind but frightened brown eyes. He's pretty short for his age, I'd say barely five foot. He clears his throat. "I don't mean you any trouble. I'm sorry for invading your home. I just would like to learn the wisdom Chiron has to offer."
"It's quite alright. We don't really get visitors often and you're not excactly invading. While you haven't necessarily been invited, you're not unwelcome here," I tell him.
"Come with us and we'll lead you to Chiron," Arista says. He nods and thanks us and we lead him to the beautiful cave that is home.

Chiron looks up from the book he is reading. "Oh hello girls. I'm glad to see that you're back. Who is this stranger with you?" He asks.
"We don't know yet Chiron. He's been wandering the woods for a few nights," Arista explains.
"We believe he means well and would like to learn from you," I add.
"Well does this young man agree with what Arista and Elena speak of?" Chiron asks him.
The man clears his throat which I've noticed he does when he's nervous. "Yes sir. I would like to learn from you. I want to know how to control my powers."
"Are you a demigod?" Chiron asks.
He nods his head grimly. "Yes. My name is Raven and I am a son of Hades." This shocks everyone. How can he possibly be a child of Hades? Hades is an intimidating God considering he is the king of the underworld.
Chiron seems unfazed by it for he's probably trained children of Hades before. "What powers do you possess?"
"I can control the dead and shadow travel. Sometimes I can even summon the dead when I get super nervous. I don't want to hurt anyone though, so please help me control them," Raven begs Chiron.
"I can't help you with your specific powers," Chiron says. "However, I can teach you ways to calm down so you don't summon the dead the next time you read a thriller."
"Thank you! Thank you so much!" He says and bows to the centaur.
"It's not a problem at all," Chiron says and gives Raven a tour of the cave.

At first Arista and I don't trust Raven and challenge him in everything. He's pretty decent with swords, but I win in archery. He can't grow a single plant successfully, while Arista has a whole garden. We found out that Raven is 14 which means I'm still the oldest besides Chiron, ha! Arista and Raven still have a little rivalry, which makes sense considering their godly parents aren't fond of each other.
"You're not doing it right, Raven! You're supposed to keep this plant in the shadows more. Do you know nothing of plants?" Arista asked him one day while we were all trying to plant stuff.
"I thought all plants just need water and sunlight to survive! Who knew they were so weak and picky that too much light makes it unhappy?" Raven shot back at her. She made several leaves hit him in the face simply by standing there, which I find amusing. I wish I had a cool power like that. I'm older than both of them and still don't know who my godly parent is.
"Who's weak now? You're getting beat up by leaves." Says Arista, which makes Raven angrily walk towards her. I intervene.
"Woah guys. Let's relax and take a break. Gardening is a difficult task to some, to others it is an easy hobby. Not to mention it is very warm today, so let's cool down in the river," I suggest.
They both consider this. They then silently agree and we go for a relaxing swim in the cool calm river.

At least it was calm, until I had a vision. Three demigods standing atop a mountain or hill, watching over a camp being made with other demigods in it. There's a darkness swarming around the camp, desperately wanting to invade, but it doesn't for some unknown reason. Suddenly, the darkness turns towards me which snaps me out of the vision with a jump.

Arista is leaning over me checking my pulse, while Raven stares at me with wide eyes. "It's going to be ok, sister. We'll take you to Chiron soon," Arista says trying to soothe me.
"No. I have to see him now. I'm fine. I'll explain it once we're in the cave," I insist.
"Are you sure that's a good idea? You passed out in the river and we had to drag you to shore," Raven explains. I realize I've been in the grass this whole time.
"Thank you guys, but look, I had a vision. I need to tell Chiron about it because he'll know what to do." I say then try to get up but stumble. They catch me.
"Well, we might as well help you get there since you refuse to rest," Raven says which makes me laugh a little. I agree to let them help me and we slowly make our way to the cave on Mount Pelion.

When we get there, I explain my vision to Chiron, who listens very intensely. Once I finish there's an unsettling silence. Raven doesn't even clear his throat. Nobody is brave enough to make a sound.
Chiron finally speaks after what felt like forever.
"I believe it might be a prophecy. I can't figure out what it means because it is as vague as most prophecies are. I believe it concerns all 3 of you though." Chiron says simply which feels like holding the weight of the sky on my shoulders.
"Chiron I can't get prophecies. I'm not the oracle, I'm not even sure if I am a demigod," I explain to the all knowing creature Chiron.
"Apollo chose for you to receive this vision. He wanted you to know of it. You have similar dreams, correct?" He asks.
"Yeah, but this one is different. I wasn't asleep before receiving the vision."
"That is different, but I am confident this will help you in the future."
Raven clears his throat. "So we're going to have this quest soon and that's going to be something in it?"
"Haven't you been listening? Yeah you idiot. Whatever vision Elena had, it affects us too. Our fates are all tied together, like it or not," Arista says with a grim look on her face.

After a while we started getting more and more demigods. We started getting multiple kids from the same godly parent. Currently we have 3 Demeter kids, 1 Hades kid, 5 Hephaesteus kids, 5 Hermes kids, 2 Athena kids who are twins, and 4 unclaimed kids including me. We ran out of cave space 10 kids ago, so now everyone sleeps outside the cave in tents. We've decided that the oldest one from each tent, or the one who was here longer, is the leader of the tent group. We have a meeting today with Chiron, mostly it's aimed towards Arista, Raven, and me since we have the most experience we can make bigger decisions. Of course we're also taking the other people's ideas into the matter.

Arista Raven and I are sitting under a tree that Raven used to use for shade on his first few days on Pelion.
"So you're almost 17?" Raven asks me.
"Yes." I confirm.
"No way. I refuse to believe that. I can't be that young to you," Arista complains.
"Ha you're the baby of the group!" Raven bullies her.
"Shut up death boy. At least I'm not the forgotten middle one of the group," she nudges him. They both laugh and play fight.
"Hey don't make me fight you both," I threaten while laughing.
"Elena, we both know you can't fight with just your fists and wits," Raven bullies me.
"Ha what wits? Do I look intelligent to you?" I ask.
"No." Both Arista and Raven answer. We laugh about that for a solid minute.
"Do you both feel prepared for the meeting today?" I ask them.
"Yes considering he's just going to talk about the population crisis and we don't have the space," says Raven.
Arista sighs, "I wish I could think of a solution for it. But what could we do?"
"I have an idea!" I gasp remembering my vision from months ago. "So here's my idea."

Chiron welcomes the meeting people into his cave. "Alright let's get this started. The main issue we have is the population so does anyone have any ideas about what we should do?" He looks to the Athena girl who is 12 for guidance.
"Continue what we're doing?" She answers unsure.
"Chiron I have an idea. Remember my vision from months ago? What if everyone pitches in to build cabins? Everyone can help build, gather supplies, offer ideas, though I suspect the Hephasteus kids want to be in charge of building it since they're experts, right?" I ask the Hephasteus kid and he nods.
"That actually sounds like a good plan. How many kids could be housed in each cabin?" Chiron asks.
"Maybe 20? I know it seems like a lot, but we keep getting more demigods just in the past 3 months. The more space we have, the better." I answer.
"Well then, let's start getting the building plans ready." Chiron says.

I stand on the highest part of the mountain that I can without passing out, looking down on the camp being built. A sanctuary for demigods where we'll be safe. I see a bright light appear behind me so I look. I see a blond young man, probably 16. I instantly recognize him as Apollo because he has this golden glow around him that gods like to keep when visiting mortals.
"Apollo! Hello. Welcome to Pelion," I say because what do you say to a god?
"Thank you Elena," He says. "Actually I'm not just here to get a better view of the camp, I came to congratulate you."
"What do you mean?"
"You achieved your epic goal in life. This camp will last centuries. It will train demigods as well as keep them safe. Chiron won't be the only teacher."
"Campers will teach it to." I finish his thought.
"Excactly. Anyway, now that you've accomplished what you've set out to do, I bless you by claiming you. You are my daughter which is so awesome because I'm really awesome."
"Wait, you're my father?"
"Yes. It's amazing isn't it?" Apollo seems to be making it sunnier right now.
"Why did you wait so long to claim me? Why-"
"I'm going to have to stop you there because I need to also visit Chiron. I taught him everything he know. I need to let him know that I bless this camp, and maybe give him some pointers on how he could make it even better. Bye Elena!"
"Goodbye Apollo," I say then he dissappears.
I tell my friends about my godly parent and our conversation later when we go to a tall part on the mountain. "I can definitely see how you're an Apollo kid though," Arista says.
"Yeah it makes sense, you're happy, good at archery, and a music nerd. It should have been obvious," Raven says.
"You guys didn't say anything before now." I crosss my arms.
"We didn't put the pieces together perfectly, nobody is perfect ok Elena?" Raven says.
"Stop giving her such a hard time. She has a super narcissistic dad. At least yours doesn't even acknowledge you often and claimed you young," Arista says to Raven.
"Good point," he says.
"Enough about dad's. Can we appriteate how great the camp looks?" I stand up and my friends follow. We watch the movement down the hill of kids practicing archery, memorizing herbs, even some are pranking the Athena kids by putting tree sap in their pillows. We know that there are monsters out in the world, but we're safe on this mountain. We're just 3 friends on a mountain enjoying the view.