

"Does life give us a second chance"WritcoStoryChallenge
Does life give us a second chance? The race had begun and he/she wondered if he/she would win this time round.Life itself is a challenging
of living our world..I had a life to
settle down but at the same time it's
more like Nightmares all year round..
I am a single mother who raised four
children of my own..There is no Father in there life according to my oldest son BRYAN Robbie Herrera, and my youngest sonANTONIO M.
Montegrejo..There father didn't want any kids and I'm not about to kill the
babies so I kept them so they can have
A life of there on..I also have two girls
beautiful,"a prayer has been answered.
My adorable ANGELS,.I cherish and HOLD to protect and keep you safe..
My oldest daughter MIA SADE Herr- era Adams so beautiful, smart,loving
and a honorable schoolarship student.
Who graduate from Mr. Diablo High
School in Concord..With her school-
arlship and honorable that they gave
her financial tuition as part of her
schoolarship..And last my adorable ANGEL the youngest one with full
Herrera Levels..Many people like to give there daughter a but this name I
want it to be Unique with meanings
To there names..I combined my two sisters name and add her father's first name..(jes-(my middle sister),(earl-(her
daddy first name),Lyn-(my younger
sister)..She's a very smart, sense of
humor,great personality,A smile of an
ANGEL, A great person who has a wonderful talent..As she grows up she
learned how to cook by watching me
in the kitchen preparing there meals..
She learned how to cook eggs,bacon,
mac 'n cheese, plain ramen noodles,
cookies,cupcakes and desserts..And she learned from the best of course
her number one# mommy Maryjean
And times goes by that when you think your life ENDS hear..I had a
devastating heart broken that my ex-boyfriend of 11 years took her away from me..I didn't want to have a huge
fight, so I asked my princess, it's not
My choice to asked you whose side
you want to be with..My heart was
pounding so fast that I already know
Who she wants to stay with..And her
Answer was to be with her dad is what
She wants..To be heartless, feeling sad,
just hit me like a lighting of thunder
through my heart like swords of needles shattering..Plus I didn't show her my hurtful feelings..I wished her
happiness and to be closed to her dad.
Still my life without my princess is like
looking through a mirror and see the
other half of you..Tears of sorrow
day and night..I long to be strong and
embrace the love of my daughter and
her future to be that special person in
her life..I will support each of them to
Fulfill there dreams and Futures..And
the life of there own family and kids
off there own To live a life full of
happiness, joyfulness to each other and a loving mother who loves her
kids always and forever...
And if I did have that second chance to start all over again and make things
better, A family home for my kids, A hard working mom who suffered alot
everything she did for her kids & love
Not knowing that she's all alone,stress,
sadness stabbed through her heart,...
Became depressed..vurnable in her life she had gone turned into dust of
Ashes burned..There mother has no
friends..just families or friends..And she lost a Best friend who got sicked
and died of Cancer..All alone,sadness,
depressed,,..darkness lurking around
my thoughts of Suicidal..shattered,
cause the person I used to stay with
blamed me for ruining his life of 11 years with him and telling me that I
ruined his life and happiness,.and I
thought I found the right man in my
Life turns out it wasn't meant to be..
I wanted to END my life,.the things he said,got me in tears,..He told me that my dream of being a culinary chef is Stupid and a waste of time,.with my kids growing up I felt that all the hard work i did was just a waste of time..i've worked all my life,I started working 17 years old when I had my first child,
from then on i've worked so hard just
To support my kids without anybody's
help..I struggle along the way, working
two jobs at that time,no off days,24/7
work,work,work,everyday of the week
also weekends,..I've work 7 days a week plus weekend with no sleep or rest..Then I started getting sick that my health gone bad that I really didn't
tell anybody about it,..I started having
stomach issued, heart failure, stroke,
blackouts to where you can't remember anything..Topped of that
I have Diabetes type 1 then became
type 2 which is worse,that I kept my
health in place..I merely lost a lot of weight from 260lbs to 102lbs pounds.
I was loosing weight loss to wear I
look like I wasn't getting fed..I couldn't eat as much as I used to..So
I started my own diet,of eating less and still have the average weight I
used to gain..The things in life I have to scarificed everything for me just to get my life back together..I got so
depressed and weak, I started crying tears running down the my cheek,nose dripping down my chin..Heartbreaking nowhere to go,.nobody to talk to just
your REFLECTION an image of
yourself trying to cope..As I try to fight my emptiness of sorrow, I prayed
To God,..to help me stay strong and
be a part of my kids life,..no matter
where they are, there always close by
just a phone call away,..A mother's call
will always listen to your heart..
I guess I'm on my own,.to take care of
myself is going to be hard..With no
where to go or live,.with no place to
Stay and call it home,.And a history of
Cancer and Diabetes in the families is
going to be a nightmare..
The only way I can redeem myself to
focus is writing a story,poetry,writing
a book for kids,Adult, and Teens to read..It'll help me to think right, focus
on my surroundings,..All of my life try
ing to be that perfect mother who don't deserve to get beating for not
cleaning the house, or make dinner,
do laundry, get groceries and work two
jobs plus taking care of the children on your own..Was the hardest sacrificed I ever done.,with a boyfriend
who doesn't work but nags at you all
time..I nearly lost it, and barely almost
lost my life of getting beat up,.With
bad bruise on my arms,back,side waist,
back of my neck..The next day I went
To work like nothing happened, min-
ing my business,..My boss looked at me and said.."are you ok big-head"..I
started crying tears running down my
face as I looked up..Sadness and un-
happy that took my smile away and
the happy person I used to be..I didn't smile at all..All I was thinking about
was,that I kept telling myself that it was my fault for working to much,
paying the bills,do all the chorus,clean
the place topped off that make sure my kids did there homework,feed them dinner and snacks..A shower to get ready for bedtime..I couldn't take
it anymore..I needed help to survive
this crazy relationship to where I told
him to get out and go back to who ever he was staying with..From now
till this year,homeless,no place to live
but in and out of families and friends
home..A second chance in life to start
over and make a new life it's self to build a perfect world and a New place
To call HOME...(Dream Home)!!!

written by:Maryjean Herrera of March
22, 2020..
"Does Life Give Us A Second Chance"..