

Becoming Author

The message sits there on my screen. Read, but not responded. My whole world is breaking apart but finally making sense all in one moment. My novels were merely hobbies, things I did in my free time. Now, someone actually wanted them. Someone thought I was good enough.

Right after I wrote, Written by: Kendra Love, and hit post, I got a message. Goldfinch Publishing. My life was either going to be perfect from now on, or it was going to be a tragedy. Replying didn't come easily. My throat blocked with emotion, but my hands were still fully functional. Why then, did I not answer? Was I afraid of the criticism I might receive? Or, rather, the ones I wouldn't? Maybe I was just nervous to experience change.

Maybe I wasn't afraid. Maybe I was untrusting. Would they keep that line? The line labeled Kendra Love? Or, would they delete it and make one of theirs? I clicked. Not on reply, but delete. I wasn't going to risk my joy, my happiness, my lifelong fearless hobby for the chance to make money. It would either be successful, or it would ruin me. I'm not willing to make the gamble.

© Ladybugz