

The White Eyes (chapter 2)
(If you didn't read chapter 1 check it out)

So i was freaking out. I look in the draw and saw those stims, the email still didn't told me about the GMs. I was thinking about bout being a super hero but first i need to clean myself, i had black gue all of me. I went in the next room and saw a shower, i hopped in and thinking of my hero name. play blue, the blackness, and more.

(Pick what name you want for this story)

I decided to test out my Super powers. I think i have super speed, teleport with black portal, and opening up portals with will and no help. Anyways i try to test out opening up portals and teleporting to the them. First time it didn't work second i can get it to appear for a seconda, 3rd none but the 10th i got it for like a solid 10 secs, 11th i went in and it gone behind me. I thought to myself that i was getting good with it and i ran through the black portal and i can kinda see the outside world but it look different, it was like all covered in black gue and was all dark, no lights was working and all was off. I soundly felt the need to feed, almost like those white eyes so I exit the portal and didn't teleport(tp). I grab the stim in the drawer and ejected it into my body and then I felt tired but no need feed. I looked through the place saw a bed, my I was almost closing and there was heavy like a 10 pound weight. I lay down and cover up in the comfy bed.

The next morning I was woken by the sound of the radio, I think a cop radio, there was a sticky note on it that say xoxo from Game master. I listened to it, it sounded like they was chasing a car. I didn't care right now, so I just try to tp back to my job bringing the medicine of course, I did it 3rd attempt tping outside of blac.inc. I went in and was walking to my desk, I then had a feeling that someone was watching me but I just kept walking. I was greeted with this bony man, he had long sharp nails, and some strange glowing white eyes. The man said "hello levi i here to tell you that you team need you to go in the black portal we have been seeing things and you have to investigate, ok" in raspy voice, I knew something was wrong but i still replied with "ok" so. II was taken into a room with the black portal(BP), then i entered the BP and saw a white eye waiting for me. I was frightened and it had sharp nails that can pretty much did and ripp flesh of your skin, i then hit it in the face and he/she scratched me almost diging down to my bones. I was bleeding badly and I tp to a top of a building, throwing him off and jumping with the thing. Punching it jaw stomach and his eyes. Then I bit into his right shoulder ripping if his skin showing his flesh, I then tp out of there and back to the mysterious place or my base. I then thought out loud why are they targeting me, I need to hide and I need stay and become a superhero.

© crazygamesYT