

I want to change my life 💝😍
yes my dad was dead two days ago .then I went near to my dad he is invisible. I turn to old house and went into the house .In that old house wall hanging lot of photos. in that photos are my grandmother youngest pics.suddenly old house became clean. someone came to downstairs I heard a sound. I'll quickly went under the dining table. It's a lady she sat the chair and eat their food.food.I don't know who she is?.I'll notice she wear same pendent as wear as me .she was my grandma youngest figure. I thought I could talk to my grand mother .I saw one boy figured walked our way .I think it's my grandpa but he is not .unknown person came and kissed my grandma.then my grandma walked to her room and the unknown person also walked behind her.I follow them .I saw throughout window they laughed ,they spoke two hours .I didn't hear anything because the window was closed. but their talk is serious. then I saw near the door one boy figure is standing ``yes" that is my grandpa I went to him and hugged him .he don't know who am I? he slapped me .and I am explain who am I.he didn't understand my any single word. I told him he was my grand pa but he didn't accept. then I show my grandma pendant.pendant.he was think I stole this pendent from my grandma .he called her.she didn't answer.and I told to him 'If you come with me I'll prove I didn't lie to you'.then he came with me we went grandma room.ggrandpa and I saw throughout window.my grandpa was shocked because he didn't expect his wife was kissing with another man.he went to open the door and I'll stop him.I'll show him pendant was on near the table.he finally believe me .I am his granddaughter .And he asked me how did I came this house?how do you travel present to past?wait do you used timetravel machine. I apologize to my grandpa. he asked why are you came past.I didn't tell anything MY THOUGHT (because tomorrow was my grandpa dead day .I want to stop murder from her own friendhand .'O MY GOD"that grandpa friend).I asked him to his friend he suddenly became angry.then he answered my question his friend was who kissed him wife infront of his eyes .then his eyes became watery.I hug my grandpa .he compromised herself.
Grandma and her affair are plan to kill my grandpa???

continued next chapter....💝
© you are born to be real .not to be perfect👸👍