

Challenge accepted
So , here we go !🐈

1. Umm , I have a lot of bad habits but if to say one then sleeping late and getting up late . 😎

2. I cannot leave without Many things but mainly Mobile , music , dance , family and junk foods etc .

3. I don't quite remember but it was about something like every celebrity (k-pop too🥳) and cartoons , princesses , princes , anime characters visiting my home .🤣

4. I would of course scare my friends and eat all the snacks for free .😉

5. before some minutes I lied my father that I was playing game while the truth is I was using Writco .

6. Uh , I guess no .

7. I like every colour accept brown .

8. I am not sure about my goal it keeps changing each day . And if to say about dreams I have a lot of dreams but mostly my dream was to become a dancer which is impossible .

9. I want to go to world tour .

10. Well , I am Dorai (all other small info's are there in my bio🤣) As soon I start getting comfortable with you I would be a real headache so,be careful !
I am a cartoon lover 😎
Now , that's it ! you'll discover all other things about me eventually as you get to know me there won't be fun in saying it all at once. 😉

@MINE and @itsmii