

The Elementrials
Chapter 3
A Lost Child

It was very happy and wonderful news when they found out that they were expecting a child. Bryan and Rinna Silvara were at the top of the world as far as they were concerned. However, when Rinna gave birth their world came crashing down. The baby was the new queen. They didn't want to lose their daughter. In they're home town the rumor had it that if you give birth to the future queen you have to take her to the palace and you lose her. They decided to move deep into the black forest and raise her in peace.

The outside world began to fall into chaos. Some thought the queen hadn't been born yet. Still others thought she was never chosen. The unknowing cause a lot of problems and as the years passed it only got worse. No one seemed to suspect that a couple would actually hide the new queen.

Chapter 4 to be posted tomorrow 5/28/2021......

© A.R.Kaetterhenry
©Amanda R. Kaetterhenry
© A.R.Thorn
© A.R.Kicinski
© A.R.Eddy
©Amanda Golden-Flidais
©Synessa Rinna Altiria
©Althiea Brayan Silvara