

My duo
My womb aches for you,
The day I shall thank the stars,the moon,and every heavenly bodies for this fruits,
I will culture you with goodness,wisdom and all that I encompass,
One like me and the other a fainted image of my husband,
If only life was just,I would ascribe a surname to your names already,
Mother you like the greatest mum i had,
All welcoming you to this world of test,surely which you would encounter,
I yearn to hear your giggles displaying your toothless jaws ,
Broad chins with a smile that unravels your dimples and calm my heart,
And that perfect combos which i would love to call and be drawn to watch,
I still yearn to see my home filled with colours,
To see myself in you both, calling me mum and says prayer's for my long life,
I wish I could stay forever but remember nothing last forever,
I wish I could tell you before then that you both can't be together,
One would leave and the other holds on to memories,
_And then this thought_.....
I wish my duos can be eternal
_mothers joy_

©Charming Becky💕