

the girl in the mystery mountain
chapter 1 hi would you like to know how I survived the mystery mountain?
well let's start from the beginning if you want to know
my name is Katherine everyone calls me Kate for short which I'm use to , one morning I got ready for school but what is funny is that it was actually the weekend so I thought I'd stay home until my friend's knocked on my door .
saying " Kate come on hurry up ! you don't want to miss out on this so as you probably know I got dressed and ate cereal and got ready to go outside .

chapter 2 : what do you all want ? you know I could've stayed home this weekend , so what could be better than this my friends told me what could be better than that and let me say this I really agree with them on this oh almost forgot my friend's names are .. Olivia , rose , Jason and Michael so all together I've got only four friends .
but where we're about to go was a place I'll never forget about , I might sound young telling you about my story I am actually well.. let's wait until I finish my story , so get ready because you are about to be surprised .

chapter 3: I'm not even ready to go yet !
will hurry up then Kate we ain't got all day
ok I'm ready now yay Olivia shouts !
Olivia says now get in the car so we all got in the car as we were driving down the road ..
even though to me it felt like forever almost like it wouldn't stop , but it was only four hours away even though it was just four hours away from us now the car was running out of gas so we stop by a gas station with money
I guess you can say thank goodness we had money on us to grab something to eat on
and drink and to get gas in the car ,
we finally got back in the car waiting on Michael he finally got back in the car which he was the one driving us , he said " y'all that guy in the store was odd
we said " what do you mean by that?"
Michael said ". well I told him what mountain we were going to and he said be careful at that mountain he said nobody came back from that mountain but he said that ain't no mountain you think it is so be careful young people "

chapter four: we finally got to where we needed to be at even though it only toke four hours to get there , will we finally got there
now let me say this we were very young no not like 12 or 13 but as soon as we got there
it was dark , already and we ended up sitting down with achole beside us
bored as we are we ended up playing truth or dare and looking back I wish I never played that game neither of us , well we played it outside Olivia said who wants to start it first ?
nobody answered so Olivia started it first
she pointed at Michael and asked him truth or dare and he said dare !
so she wisperd in he's ear " I dare you to kiss Kate for 10 minutes " so Michael went right at me and kissed me for 10 minutes , and yeah I was shocked I couldn't believe what happened .

chapter 5: well tonight is the night ..here in the mountain , as I was laying down inside the mountain I still can't get out of my head what the man said " be careful that mountain ain't like no other mountain and that nobody has ever got out " ugh I don't know if I'll ever understand what he means by that
well now that my friend's are asleep I guess I'll go to sleep .
I wake up from screaming wondering if the scream was real or fake ? so I get up and ask " why is someone screaming what is going on ?"
Michael was the one screaming I shake him asking him " why was you screaming ?"
Michael is so speachless that all he could do is point side ways , as I walk over there where he pointed ... all I saw as I was shaking was Olivia
laying down not moving at all I try shaking her thinking she wake up but she didn't I listen to her heart beat but no beat nothing
I knew what happened ... she ..she was dead !
I was shaking and crying and screaming asking Michael " how did this happen !! "
he still didn't talk back to me I went to go wake the others up thank goodness they were alive and awake !
they woke up asking me " what happened I said no time Olivia is.. dead !!
they were shocked and crying
I said I don't know or how it happened or anything !!!
will they find out the mystery of the murder of how Olivia died ?

chapter 6 so welcome back my readers are you really ready to find out what happened can you handle what you are about to find out and more are you ready to hear the end of the story and my age ? will get ready this is about to happen

chapter 7 : as we try finding out what happened to her we still couldn't sadly
so we all got in the car as soon as we all got in the car we couldn't leave the car wouldn't work we were all afraid , so we went back to the mountain inside sitting together drinking yeah you probably wonder why y'all drinking?
will we was afraid we didn't know what to do
we try calling people but nothing no signal ,
I told Michael you need to start talking I said you was the only one that some how could've seen what happened !

chapter 8 now you want to know the end of it ? will let me tell you what Michael said
Michael finally opened he's mouth and said ...
I saw a shadow and I couldn't hear anything if he was saying something I remember Olivia screaming and then I saw I think I saw stabbing because I saw blood all over the mountain inside and that is why i screamed
as soon as I turned around the shadow was gone !
I couldn't believe what Michael told me .
so I told Michael well we need sleep even though how could someone sleep knowing that ? well I didn't fall asleep until I knew my friends were asleep I didn't sleep until 11pm or 12 am so we all finally fell asleep until...
someone else screamed I got up and saw .... Michael DEAD !!! now it was left up to me and rose and Jason we ran out of the mountain and yelled for help as loud as we could and nothing I told them we needed to keep running and yelling for help and we did.
the next morning someone finally saw us covered in blood some by our friends that we try helping but of course didn't work , this guy said oh man what happened why Is there blood on y'all's shirts we told him why and he toke us to he's place and gave us something to drink and eat but we couldn't eat because of how sick we were from seeing our two friends dead , we told him we much as we could
we told him about the shadow and he said oh no not the shadow ! we said what you know about the shadow he said the shadow is a ghost that lives in that mountain and kills anyone he sees in the mountain and kills anyone he wants ! you are all lucky you made it out .

chapter 9 well this is the end of the story
I will now tell you my age and about never going to that mountain we went to so please don't go to the mountain we went to
my age that I was telling you about this ...I am 70 years old yeah , yeah I'm old I know because this happened a long long time ago
I still miss my friends but just know don't ever go to that mountain or else .... you might see the shadow and die STAY AWAY FROM THAT MOUNTAIN !

i hope you enjoyed my story thank you for reading this
© Andrea Hogan