

Dancing with Angels.
I still on a hill watching the the stars sparkle in the night, cool air blowing across my face. I close my eyes and listen to cricket's cherp one last cherp before winter makes its way. my mind starts dancing with images of you in my arms, moon light casting shadows on the ground; swaying side to side back and forth. on my feet I move as the shadows do, with only memories tears roll down my face; I danced all night just one last dance before you go. Remember the time we've had, the smile on your face so beautiful like the sun that warms the sky. dance this dance; don't say goodbye, look at you all dressed in white. stay with me for a while, before you go dancing in the night. for you I keep in my heart, for you I'll keep the good fight. now the time as come, our dance is done; now you have to go dancing in the night towards heaven's light.
© Jim Purvis