

Wolves In Love
I was a student at Nevermore Academy. I was walking to the library to return a book when Enid ran into me. "Woah,slow down there." I said before realising she was crying."Enid, what's wrong?" I asked. She didn't reply but just leaned against me and sobbed."Come on. We're going to your dorm." I told her as we walked together.

In her dorm,we sat down on her bed. She was still crying,so I moved closer to hug her. After a few minutes I let go of her before she spoke." I caught Jayden making out with you Yoko.""That dick." I muttered softly.She sobbed even harder than before,so I hugged her again. "I'm sorry." I told her."He wasn't right for you anyway." "But I can't believe I actually fell in love with him." she said."What do you mean by that?"I asked, confused. "I was actually in love with you. I thought I could use Jayden to get closer to you but-"
"But you ended up actually being in love with him." I said, finishing her sentence. "Well," I said "if I'm being honest I do like you too." We both laughed at the situation we were in. I cupped her cheek and we looked into each other's eyes before Enid kissed me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." She started apologizing but couldn't finish because I kissed her again. We kissed until Jayden burst through the door. ". What the hell are you doing!" he shouted at Enid."The same thing you were doing with Yoko." Enid replied.He walked over to me with anger in his eyes and grabbed me by the collar."You stay the hell away from her,you hear me?!"he shouted,still holding me by the collar.He let go of me and told Enid to come with him but she refused."Or what?" I asked with a smirk."Or I'm gonna punch your lights out." he replied angrily. "You can try." I said before Jayden punched me in the jaw.

"Fuck!" I softly said and chuckled as I spat out some blood."STAY AWAY FROM ENID!" he shouted again."OTHERWISE THIS TIME WE'LL KILL YOU!""We?" I asked confused. He then called in Rowena,Sam,Dean and Kent for 'backup'
"I see."I said. "Well,let's make it fair."I told them before I called Wednesday,Ajax and Bianca for backup. "Trust me,you don't want to fight us."Jayden said proudly. "I kinda do,"I said with a evil grin"but I don't want to hurt you."

"Hurt me?" Jayden said and laughed. "How can a lousy vampire like you hurt me?" "I'm not the lousy vampire you think I am. Hell,I'm not even a vampire."I told everyone. Jayden tilted his head in confusion. "Welcome to the pack,Enid." I said before wolfing out in front of both groups. "Now I really do want to fight you!" Jayden said and rushed toward me.
"STOP!" Enid shouted as I made a move towards Jayden as well. She put her hand on my wolf shoulder and pulled me back slightly.I transformed back to my normal self."Fine." I muttered. "Let's just end it now." I said before ordering Ajax to stone Jayden and his group. But Jayden and Dean closed theirs eyes as not to see Ajax's snakes. I turned around to hug Enid when Dean threw a knife to Jayden and he tried to stab me but Enid saw and pushed me out of the way, causing her to get stabbed instead.

She stood there for a few seconds,knife in her stomach before she started to fall. I got up,caught her and lowered her to the ground slowly. Jayden saw what he had done and ran out of Enid's dorm with Dean."Enid! Enid,stay with me now. Come on!"I said,tears starting to form. Wednesday came over to check out her roommate. "Enid. Listen to me. If you die now,I will kill you myself."She said wiping tears away. Enid was bleeding badly."We need to get her to the hospital." I told Wednesday. I thought for a moment until I had an idea.

"I'll take her myself.""How the hell are you going to do that?"Bianca asked."I'll transform and carry her on my back. Wednesday,grab her snood and put the end in my mouth. Hop on my back and keep Enid from falling off. Use the snood as a leash."Wednesday grabbed the snood and did what I told her.I told Ajax to tell Principal Weems to head to Jericho Hospital."If she asks why,just tell her Enid's been hurt. Badly." I said before Wednesday and I left with Enid.

Characters originally created by Tim Burton.