

a narrative
In the corner of dreams, where the sun embraces the imagination, little people bloom with light. They are divine sparks, flashes of hope that dance in the darkness of life. His eyes are stars that illuminate dark paths, guiding those lost in the night of their own fears.

Every smile they give is a ray of sunshine that caresses the soul. Their laughter, heavenly melodies, resonate like songs of love in the silence of the universe. They are small suns in the firmament of our existence, mirrors that reflect the purity of a heart without shadows.

On the canvas of reality, these little people with light paint golden sunsets with brushes of innocence. Her hands, small and powerful, weave magic in every gesture, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. Their hugs, cosmic clamps, connect us with the eternity of pure and unconditional love.

They walk barefoot on the earth, leaving footprints of kindness and compassion. His words, like sighs of nature, whisper cosmic secrets that only the heart can understand. They are like lighthouses in the storm, offering refuge and calm to those seeking a safe harbor in the midst of the storms.

For these little people with light, time is a precious gift that they want to share. In their world, every moment is a radiant jewel that they treasure with gratitude. And when the Moon lights up the sky, your dreams are fireflies that flicker, reminding us of the magic that lives in every heart full of light.

May the flame of these little people, guardians of the pure and radiant essence that we all carry within us, never go out. In its radiance, we discover the true richness of life, that which is not measured in material possessions, but in the abundance of shared love.

Dragonfly 🦋
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