

Not Needed Anymore
You know that moment you realize you’re not needed anymore?
Perhaps you never were.
You began to see that no one really cares.
People couldn’t care less if you were alive or dead.

You began to question every former friendship you’ve ever had.
You’ve mastered the feeling of being used. & Abused.
Some people say you’re pathetic if you allow others to affect your happiness and the way you feel about yourself.
I guess I’m just pathetic then because that’s exactly how I feel.

I’ve always struggled with being happy.
And being there for others and feeling somewhat needed is what makes me happy.
But the older I get, the more I began to realize, these friendships don’t exist.

People are far to selfish these days to pursue a lifelong friendship.
Everything is fickle. Any effort to get close to someone and take a personal interest in them as a friend is completely in vain. It’s pointless. A chasing after the wind. This Is accentuated when it comes to social media. Meeting complete strangers that couldn’t care less about you as a person. You’re just Another Inkling in the sea of virtual writers.
You’re a pastime read. Which most people probably peruse and hit like just because.

This intangible world makes me miss the tangible world I use to have. The unicorn friendships I use to have. Is this disconnection a bi-product of technology? Insecurities? Or am I just completely incapable of making and maintaining friendships with the opposite sex.

I see why people give up on life. I see why people just stop trying. It’s exhausting. It’s like pouring water into a jug with holes…. It’s never satisfied. You can never fill it up.

I pour myself out to others to no avail. No one cares. No one reciprocates in kind. Everything I say goes in one ear and out the other. No one takes the initiative anymore.
I think back on all the close friends I use to have and all of them are gone. There’s no one left to talk too.

It’s weird….how you can be so close to someone and yet feel so far apart. Idk how people manage. Maybe I’m too much of an introverted person to widen out.

It’s like desiring something you use to have but realizing you never had. What you thought you had, wasn’t real at all. What you thought would last, completely faded away.

It was like watching someone die and feeling completely helpless knowing you couldn’t do a thing to help the situation you just had to watch them go…..you had to watch them leave as you cried yourself to sleep…. The only difference is they’re still alive.

© JustAnotherInkling🎨