

Nosy Neighbor
She ran down to my apartment like who is training for an Olympic race. She was panting heavily as if she will die in the next two minutes. Her bulgy eyes speak of all she has come to do. She shouted "Amma help me with my headtie." Then I knew it was Mamma Amma who must have been at my doorstep. I stood up from the sofa and went to meet her before she could knock my door. Amma hand over the headtie to her mother and she left her Mother at my doorstep and I open my door. "Good morning Mamma Amma." I greeted as I sighted her. "Good morning my sister." she replied hurriedly as she tie her headtie. "What are you here for Mamma Amma?" She couldn't let me finish my speech before she interrupted without hesitation." I have only come to check on you. For the past few days have not been seeing you come out of your apartment." I told her since I have been working from home I got no business coming out. I thanked her for being a caring neighbor. I felt loved I told her good bye as I tried to close my door. Mamma Amma exclaimed. "I'm not done. I have a lot for you." Hmmm, this must be a serious one I thought to myself. What is this woman up to this time around. She started. "Do you know that Mrs Adams your next door neighbor spent the night with the landlord." She clapped her hands without producing sounds so that no one will realize she is just at my doorstep. She continued with her gist. " I have always suspect that witch to be a cheap slut that she is but yesterday night my suspicion were proved to be true." Oh what a life I replied as I tried to close my door she said I'm not done yet. Can't you just appreciate my effort of choosing to reveal this information to you. All you could do is walk out of me. That's so disrespectful of you. I apologized and she felt pleased as she continue her gossip. You won't believe that Mr Nnamdi is impotent that is why he is still a bachelor even at his late fifty's. I was furious at this stage of the conversation. I couldn't resist my anger as she keep saying thrash about our neighbors and at this stage I was ready to slam the door without hesitation. I don't care what she thinks. I told her. Mamma Amma, it's high time you left for your apartment. You've over stayed your welcome. I slammed the door at her face and she said I won't give you any information anymore I just want to ask you a question. I heard you once had an affair with the estate gate keeper. Is that truth?