

I Didn't Want This

The waitress' eyes grew wide at the crumpled paper the woman had handed with the money.
"Help," it read.
When she looked up, the woman was gone...

Not again, Alice thought. She believed that when she had relocated from Chicago that she was safe.

Apparently that was not the case. Someone had discovered that she was a superhero. How she did not know. She had been careful not to reveal anything from her former life to anyone.

It had to have been Bobo that told her secret. But he had sworn an oath of secrecy to her, or so she thought.

Now the word was going to get out and she would have no peace.

Many children want to be superheroes when they are growing up. They desire the fame of outwitting the despicable supervillains. They want the amazing super powers and the wild costumes. She had been no different as a child.

When she was eleven years old, "Alice" discovered that she had been endowed with the power of flight and invisibility.

She didn't have the power of super hearing, vision and speed, although her father did. Not many other kids had a dad that could leap a tall building in a single bound or was faster than a speeding bullet or even more powerful than a locomotive.

Not did she possess a lasso that caused criminals to tell the truth when caught by it. That belonged to her mother and she never let it out of her sight.

However at first, flying was fun and the ability to turn invisible was great when playing hide and seek.

Now that she was an adult "Alice" discovered that "adulting" was not as fun as she thought it was going to be.
There was this going to work stuff and paying the bills that really made her wish she was still eleven.

Now on top of all of that she was being thrust into this super hero thing again. She had been enjoying her retirement, well, from the other life. In this life, her real life she was a librarian/waitress.

The librarian of today is not what they were in the past. Horn rimmed frames of the past have been replaced with contact lenses. Her kit contains lenses of varied colors. Blue is her favorite, while green and brown complete the set. She does have blonde hair which is worn in a bun with a pencil through it. No one should ever suspect that she was the former superhero known as the Butterfly.

Yet, someone knew this. Otherwise, why would they ask for her help.

It seemed like hours had passed since she had received the note with the word HELP on it. What was she going to do? Where was the woman that was being so cruelly victimized?

There was a sudden tap on her right shoulder, Alice turned around and there she was looking eyeball to eyeball with the missing woman.

The old woman handed her another note which read: Can you help me feed my dog while I'm out of town this weekend? I'm your neighbor from 3b. I can't speak or hear, so I have to write everything down.

"Then you don't know about my life in Chicago?" Alice said. The woman shook her head no, then scrawled out the word; why?

"Oh, no reason." Alice replied.

Each gave the other a thumbs up, and parted ways.
© Kurt Frazier