

A trip down memorylane.
I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the river or lie on it's edge. "The blue sky, lofty clouds, and the lush greenery of those trees is still a picture perfect. Collecting pebbles was one of a thing so that we could show-off our treasure! We would play games like mermaid for girls and boys played hunt like a crocodile while we swam across the water splashing it for hours and shivered with chattering teeth whenever the cool country breeze gently blows by. Our world was outdoor, our hide and seek spot in the woods where beautiful and creepy things sneaked around. Climbing tree tops and competing who will reach first, picking up those mouth - watering ripened-raw mangoes, mixing it with salt, and enjoying its sweet tartly bites while we sat and swung our feet in a cacophony is still echoing in my mind. Making blobby things out of clay, going after dragonflies, stumbling upon the rock unknowingly and crying for a long time..." Those precious adventurous memories will always create ripples in my stagnant heart and i will cherish them for eternity.
© ArtEcstatic