

A Cat Story
Are you looking these two cats?? How sweet they are...The beautiful Bond between Mother and Child ✨ there are saying that Animals don't have emotions but they can understand our feelings more than a human....

The cat running behind it's mother , jumping on her mother playing with her mother joyfully...the mother Finding it's daughter if it's not around for even a while....how beautiful it is...

The cat's enjoying the peacefully with it's owner who treats as a family... Walking in the whole house as it's own... Sleeping hugging it's daughter in the heavy rain warmly....

the life looks so beautiful of a Cat who have a good owner and a sweet child...

When the Cat give birth to its child she protect it more than her life... She teach the child to live in this human world...She teach to catch it's food...She teach how to protect themselves....

The emotions,the bondings,the Care between them Make me to think sometimes that i would also be a Cat...