

As I observe and learn people closely. I see certain individuals from day to day who are quick to express how right they are, and is seeking anybody's time and attention to make a point about being right.

However, I find that there isn't really a need to argue or seek attention by attacking someone else's viewpoint just because they're point of view is different from your lifestyle. If another's lifestyle brings them peace then that is their right to their lifestyle. And if your personal decisions bring you peace, then that is your right.

Being right does not require attention, right is a confident truth that peacefully informs and not instruct. And what is done with what has been informed is rightfully and ultimately up to that individual to rightfully decide what to do with that information.

©work2rise x.

ALJ: No room for compromise because you have to always be right, even if it means being alone.

ALJ: Becoming who I am has made me argue not for the sake of being right but for the sake of finding a worthy solution.
