

Lock of a Heart ❤ Chap:12// (SEASON 1 FINAL)
"W-would you like to dance with me?" Col asked. Did he just ask me... To dance with.. H-him.. "I... Sure." I said. It was very nerve wracking. I stepped forward and held his hand and grabbed his shoulder. He put his other hand around my waist. It was very weird dancing with him but I don't know why. The music was so beautiful, but why do I feel this lump in my throat thats making me feel weird..? "I"m sorry if i step on your foot.." I said. "Its fine.." The music dropped and me and Col stared into each others eyes and stopped dancing. "Whats happening?" I thought. Why am I having this feeling that... that- and there it was... Col leaned forward and.... K-kissed me... Why.. would he want to kiss me..? Why is this happening so fast..? We only knew each other for 4 days.. Could it mean... He acually likes me...? Theres so many questions I have about this. I blushed and my hands went sweaty. "Are you okay... I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have-" I stopped Col. Then I leaned forward and kissed him too. Why... am I doing this... This feels like a dream come true. "I'm going to go get us two drinks." I said with a wink. Cols face turned bright pink. "O-okay." He said with a little stutter. I went to go get us drinks and I was thinking... What.. Just.. Happened.. AHHH!!! I suddenly have this urge to go run up and hug the heck out of Col! But the I suddenly have to go to the bathroom.. heh.. I walked to the bathroom and looked into the mirror.. I about cryed.. "I didn't deserve this... I didn't deserve any of this.." I said. "Your right hah!" I strange girl said as she walked in. Its Jessica one of the popular people... UGH WHY WON'T THEY LEAVE ME ALONE! "You don't deserve anything.. Especially Col.. He was MY boyfriend till he laid his eyes on you... He broke up with me just to become friends with you, I TOLD HIM NOT TO, But he didn't answer me of course." Jessica said as she rolled her eyes. Wait.. he broke uo with her just to become friends with me... "And don't think nobody saw your little make out session you both did, so discusting." She said. I tried to push her out of my way but- "Ugh don't THINK you can get through me just like that!" (Back where Col is.) "Hey dude do you know where Rena is?" Col asked. "Uh no you should go look for her. Col ran around looking for me for a few minutes. He ran towards the bathroom I was in and his friend ran in front of him. "Hey dude theres... somthing you need to know about Rena's past..?" His friend said. "What about her past..?" Col asked. (Back where Rena is) "You are so pathetic, YOU think you can steal my boyfriend JUST like THAT." Jessica said. "But your not daying him!"I screamed. I could here Col's voice sreaming my name "Rena! I heard her voice! Get out of my way dude!" Col screamed. And at this moment I knew.. We both needed to find eachother. I'm probably going to get punched in the face.. Might aswell fight back...

Make sure to comment any questions you have for season 2. HAVE A GOOD DAY!