

(this story is also on my wattpad.)

Story Description:

Shiv has awakened.
She has come.
Their Union aprocheth.
The Shakti of Shiv
And The Shiv of Shakti
Dancing together
To bring forth life.
The wedding aprocheth,
Nandi has been adorned,
The gouls dance,
Clashing cymbals
Shaking Damarus
And throwing ash
The shouts of
"Har Har Mahadav!"
Resonate through the mountains,
And Shiva's wedding procession
Comes down from Kailash.
Parvati awaits,
Wearing crimson and gold
Shining and sparking
Beaming and beckoning.
She awaits her Shiv.

Chapter 1. Tapasya

The Mountain
The Shakti
The Devi
In human form
Came to earth
Born to Mainavati
In the Parvat mountains
Born a human girl
Who's first word

Was taught stories
Of Shiv
Of Shiv
Of Shiv
Of Shiv
Love of Shiv
From Markandaya
The forever 16
Immortal devotee
Of Shiv.

One Shivratri night
Asked for a story And received a mantra
The mantra that makes up the world.
The Panchachakra Stotram.
Na: Earth
Ma: Water
Shi: Fire
Va: Air
Ya: Aether
And in speaking the mantra
She fell into a trance
Arose and awakened And left the Ashram.

Found Shiv
In the Amarnath cave
Deep in the Himalayas.
She found him
And she loved him
And the love she had always felt for him Overflowed on seeing him
And she knew he was her Swami.
And she knew she must awaken him.

Danced For Shiv
She danced
Till she could dance no more
And fell to the floor in exhaustion.
And still Shiv sat
Deep in meditation.
So she arose again
And bringing in snow from outside
She made a Shiva Linga
From snow.
And she sat
In front of it
And meditated
And prayed
And breathed.

Did Tapasya for centuries
And centuries into millennia
And still Shiv sat
And so
The protector and preserver
Of the universe
Decided things needed to speed up
That they couldn't wait forever
For Shiv to wake up
And that they needed some help.
So he asked Kama Deva
The lord of love
To shoot Shiv
With a arrow of love
To wake him up
And get him to notice
His Shakti has come back.
So Kama Deva came
With his sugarcane bow And he shot Shiv
With an arrow of love.
But when one shoots Shiv, One must pay the price.
For one glorious moment
He opened his eyes And beheld Parvati
His Shakti
Sitting in meditation before him And she sensed his awakeness
And opened her eyes And smiled
And then Shiv blinked And looked around
Kama should have left straight away
But he was foolish enough to stay And try to say how glad he was To be part of the Leela.
And Shiv knew then
Why he felt so loving
All of a sudden.
He knew he had been shot
With an arrow of love.
And Shiv does not like being made to feel anything he doesn't feel from his Shakti.
And his anger arose like a tidal wave Of the raging, destructive fire The burning, incinerating flame Of Shiv's third eye.
Kama Deva was burned
To ashes.

Was surprised, naturally
To see the lord of love burned up
Before her eyes.
And she was afraid
To see the raging light
In Shiv's now only two open eyes.
He glared, and didn't seem inclined to talk
So she arose, pranamed, and introduced herself.
She hadn't come this far to be turned away by his anger. And it hadn't been her idea to use Kama.
He didn't know that tho, And he didn't recognize his Shakti anymore.
And so he arose,
And told her it was useless
That he was nothing
But a hollow shell
A pile of ash
A dead corpe
Capable of nothing
Now that he had no Shakti.

Could not tell him
For she knew not herself
That she is his Shakti
She only knew
That she loved him And would do anything
To bring him back
To the liveing god he is
To bring back Mahadev.

(chapter 2 coming soon)

Har Har Mahadav!🙏🏼
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