

A Killer Dance
I looked around the city, at night it was the best and I got to experience it every night. A voice rang threw my head reminding me on what I'm here for. I checked my pocket mirror once more to make sure my make-up was perfect before going up to the building. The security guard let me in without a second glance, everyone now just cared about what you look like and then you're allowed in every ball ever. Once I got in the ballroom I scanned it, making sure it had what I was told. There it was, the silver password-locked door. I just had to get in, take the files and leave. I've done harder missions. My smile grew bigger as I scanned the room more, everyone was busy, but sadly I had to give time until blood could drip down from all the smiling faces. Walking forward to explore more my eyes landed on one boy in particular. The man had almost pitch-black hair and ocean-blue eyes, and a little yellow smiley face pin was on his black suit. Unconsciously I bee-lined it straight towards the corner he was in, I tapped his shoulder to get his attention after standing there without him noticing me for a minute.
"I did a mighty fine job ignoring you before, miss" he hissed at me,
"I don't like being ignored, darling" I retorted. He stared at me for a good second before blankly staring past me.
"What's your name, sir?" I questioned trying to make some small talk, maybe he could be the first frown that I set tonight. More staring only answered my question, I sighed in annoyance.
"I'm Petra," I said, still waiting for an answer, he sighed realizing I wasn't giving up. Honestly I probably would of but he didn't need to know that.
"Helen, don't comment on it" he sneered, I simply laughed at him. The music in the background changed as I slowly pushed my mission to the back of my mind. A slow song started playing as everyone paired up with someone, probably their date or maybe...