

we are one
She heard his voice clearly in her mind, as she took a slow deep breath. “ I’m reaching out to you now. Just close your eyes and relax.” Within moments she felt the warmth spread across her face and the tingling begin in the palms of her hands. It was like static brushes of many fingers.

Then there was the firm pressure deep in her chest, and the familar squeeze forming around her wrists. She exhaled as she heard his voice again. “Yes, Dear One, I’ve got you. Just lean into me.”

“ I am open to you.” She responded affirmingly. She felt her conscienous begin to split, to project herself to the etheral plane, to a place they both went, that they had created for themselves, when they connected. It was a place where they could be together alone, uninterupted, and truely of one. She saw him slowly come into focus.

Her breath caught as she felt his energetic
tendrils peirce gently but firmly into her auraic space. She shivered as she felt his tendrils shift and burrow, wrapping intently around and through her. They landed and hooked into her centers, and immediatly began to coax her into release.

In the place they both go, the shadows were clearing into more vivid imagery, in her mind. She sat with him close, and they were both surrounded by a ring of flames that danced protectively, keeping them both safe as they locked together.

A quick, sharp sensation shot through her chest, her heart fluttered and pulse quickened breifly. Her whole body tightened. She quivered intensely. Her centers lit up.

Then she felt the sudden rush of relinquish, of pure energetic release. Her whole being relaxed, she exhaled. “ Yes, there we go! Just let yourself
flow into me, Dear One.” he said.

In the place they go, she looked up into his face as he smiled feircely down at her. The flames danced brighter, as he fed, lighting up his eyes. The cords binding them glowed with a brillant electric vibrancy.

He held her close, pressing her tightly against him. He opened her up wider, burrowing his tendrils deeper and securing her as her essence freeflowed into him. He reached for her core, tapping into the deepness of her, encouraging her subtle energy to pour into and wash through him.

She was split now, and held to him between the etheral and physical. She was becoming deliciously tired as he pulled more intensely. She felt her essence filling him, satiating his hunger and his desire. The flames around them in their etheral space rose high and crackled loudly.

She was never more vunerable than she was in these moments, so raw and open and utterly exposed. But she never felt more safe than she did in these moments, possessed and held and completely protected. His energetic wings spread and wrapped tightly around her. His arms embraced her firmly and his hands stroked her, holding her still, as he continued to feed.

She craved this and needed this, deeply. The profound feeling of becoming emptied, while becoming entirely whole. She needed the emotional connection of being bound to him as the lines of her selfawareness became conpletely blurred.

“ I am entirely yours.” she whispered.

“ We are of one.” he responded, as he pulled her down into sleep.