

In his world (I surrender) - Chp V
Days passed and everything went back to normal like....the hot dude never spoke to me at all.
We attained the same class, went to the same cafeteria, Walked to the same bus stop but.....he never spared a glance at me.
It's not that I wanted him to look at me but....It was strange isn't it? No body in my class bothers to talk to him but him? why does he ever know my full name?

"Janet" I flinched when my name was called "Miss.Lilly wants you in her cabin" our class representative announced.
I nodded, picking my belonging and making my way to her cabin. I was her favourite student because....I always score well and is up to her expectations so she kindda likes me. For being a nerd.

"Excuse me Miss.Lilly" I knocked on her cabin only to hear a small 'Come in'

I walked in and to my surprise, It wasn't just me and lilly in the cabin but....He was there as well. George.

"Janet. Please take a seat" She pointed at the chair beside him

I slowly walked beside him and sat.

"Janet I have a favor to ask. Can you do that to me?"

I looked at the paper which Miss.Lilly slided in front of me. I blinked completely Surprised. The paper was our marks sheet and all I could see was red ink marks as 'F'

"This is George. Your classmate. You know right?" She tapped on the paper "His father personal requested us that we should help him atleast pass the exams. I know it is too much to ask for an introvert like you but can you please tutor him for me? please do this for me Janet"

I gulped looking at Miss.Lilly who was at the urge of crying. Is he that bad?

I smiled giving a small nod "Sure Miss.Lilly. I'll give him our lecture notes and also my personal notes which I prepared for exams. he can go through those study material and pas...." Before I even complete, Miss.Lilly stopped me "Dear. I don't want someone who can lend the study materials to him...I want someone who will tutor him" She smiled picking something from the drawer and placed it in front us "This is your timetable and schedules that will help you both study together" She grabbed my hand "This guy here is Campion in athelete and games but not in studies. His father is shareholders of our university......Help him out so that he can just take a passing rank okay?"

I smiled giving a small nod. what else can I do? she was the only lecturer who likes me from heart.

"Great! Thank you so much dear. Your the best" Saying this, She stood, walking out of the cabin leaving me and him alone.

"So Your gonna tutor me?"

I heard him but I decided to ignore. I was focused on the timetable in front of me.


I flinched when my name rolled down from his lips with those deep bold voice.
I gulped, placing the papers and his report card in my bag

"Janet Murray D'Souza" He poked on my arms "Can you hear me?"

I stood lowering my head "Mee....Meet me at the library. Six...6pm today" barely whispering these words, I ran out of the cabin like a person who wanted to pee badly.

Damn. It's so embarrassing.

Why me? Why should I be the one tutoring Mr.Hot dude?
With questions running in my mind, I lost the track of time and was busy doing my homework, sitting in our classroom fully focused. It's almost 6:45pm now.
I completely forgot about the soul that's waiting for me since 6 in the library.
All that was running in my mind was.....Why me and him?

to be continued.....
By purpgrl 💜

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