

Our Fate 5
Baaj and Anna went to a date in the town. They spent a lot of time together, when Baaj said it was time to go, Anna didn't want to go because she was already enjoying the place but she had no choice than to go. As they were walking to the car door, Baaj was about to open the door for Anna when she slumped and collapsed on the floor. Baaj hurried to carry her inside the car and drove her off to the hospital.
At the hospital, while the doctors and nurses were attending to Anna, Baaj kept pacing up and down and was actually wondering what exactly was happening to Anna. Baaj made up his mind to ask the doctor to conduct a test on her so as to find out what exactly was wrong with her. Not long after, the Doctor asked Baaj to see him in his office. There, the doctor explained to Baaj that they conducted a test on Anna and she was diagnosed of having sickle cell anaemia. Baaj was surprised to hear what the doctor said because there is no way that Anna would have sickle cell anaemia because he saw that she was an AA genotype so there's no way the doctor would be right. He was also wondering that he also did a test and it was said that he has sickle cell anaemia but he doesn't seem to have all those symptoms, so he requested that a test should be conducted on him. The doctor agreed and a test was conducted on him and when Baaj saw the result, he was surprised and amazed that he was an AA genotype, so he was wondering where the whole thing went wrong. He thanked the doctor and went to Anna's and then explained to her that she was diagnosed of having sickle cell anaemia. Anna said that it wasn't possible, she explained to him that she did a test at the hospital and she was said to be an AA genotype but now she was said to have sickle cell anaemia. Baaj also explained to Anna that they did the test at the same hospital and he was said to gave sickle cell anaemia and now he is an AA genotype. Anna didn't want to believe it so she suggested that they redo the test at the same hospital they did it last time.
Baaj agreed with what Anna said and after she got discharged, they went to the other hospital and they went to see the doctor and explained everything that had happened to them and they requested that a test should be conducted for them.
After the processing of the test, the doctor gave each of them their test results and each was surprised with what they saw on the papers.

© Alabi Esther