

survey on malnourished child
when I was in class 9th in Kendriya Vidyalaya Suratgarh Cantt. Rajasthan, me and my four friends—Parul, Akansha, Priya, Sonali,—found ourselves united by a mission. Our social science teacher had tasked us with creating a project for the upcoming school social science exhibition.We got a list of topics but We chose to tackle the pressing issue of child malnutrition, eager to make a difference with our work as it was very unique topic which no one else had chosen in the class.
Parul, with her creative flair, took charge of file decoration. She transformed our project file into a visually appealing masterpiece, capturing attention with her artistic talents. Sonali, gifted with a way with words, assumed responsibility for writing tasks. Her eloquent prose brought our research findings to life, conveying the urgency of the issue with every word.Priya, armed with her camera, became our dedicated photographer. With a keen eye for detail, she captured poignant moments during our visits to the Army Hospital and the communities affected by malnutrition. Meanwhile, Akansha and I worked in tandem to collect information. We meticulously gathered data, interviewed experts, and compiled statistics to provide Sonali with the necessary material for her writing.
Together, we conducted surveys, delved into research, and visited communities firsthand to gain insights into the challenges faced by malnourished children. Our collaborative efforts ensured that every aspect of our project was meticulously crafted and thoroughly researched.

Our journey began with intensive research, gathering data from books, articles, and the internet. However, we soon realized that to truly understand the plight of malnourished children, we needed to see it firsthand. With our teacher's encouragement and our parents' consent, we organized a visit to the Army Hospital,as that was cantt.area and we were army brats so we decided to go Millitary hospital only, that was known for its exceptional healthcare services.
One bright Saturday morning, armed with notepads and pens, we set off for the Army Hospital. The disciplined environment of the hospital was a stark contrast to our classroom. As we walked through the corridors, the sight of the well-maintained wards and the meticulous care given to the patients impressed us. The doctors welcomed us warmly, understanding the importance of our mission.
I don't properly remember the name of doctor as it's a story of 2017, but the doctor was a pediatrician with years of experience in the Army Medical Corps, spent time explaining the various facets of malnutrition. "Malnutrition is not just about lack of food," he said, "it encompasses deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals, affecting a child's overall development." We listened intently, scribbling down notes as he spoke about protein-energy malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and the impact these have on physical and cognitive growth.

Understanding the importance of firsthand experience, Doctor offered to help us meet children suffering from malnutrition. With his assistance, we were able to visit a nearby community where several malnourished children resided. The experience was eye-opening.
In the community, we met several children who were suffering from severe malnutrition. Their stories were heart-wrenching. One little boy,had a persistent cough and looked much younger than his age due to stunted growth. His mother tearfully shared how they struggled to afford even basic meals. Another girl child, had developed infections due to her weakened immune system.
The visits were eye-opening, revealing not only the physical but also the social challenges faced by these children. Many came from marginalized communities where malnutrition was rampant due to poverty, lack of education, and inadequate healthcare. We learned that in some cases, society even stigmatized these families, further isolating them.
The reality we encountered was harsh, but it fueled our determination. We decided to incorporate these personal stories and insights into our project. Back at school, we worked tirelessly, creating detailed charts and graphs to represent our findings. We included photographs and testimonies, ensuring that the voices of these children were heard.

On the day of the exhibition, our presentation drew considerable attention. Visitors, including students, teachers, and parents, were moved by the real-life accounts of malnourished children. We explained the different types of malnutrition, the socio-economic factors contributing to it, and the dire need for comprehensive solutions.Our project was more than just an academic endeavor; it became a platform to raise awareness and advocate for change. Inspired by our work, the school decided to initiate a fundraiser to support local organizations working to combat child malnutrition. We were overjoyed to see our efforts sparking tangible action.Our hard work and dedication paid off when our project was selected for state-level representation. The news filled us with immense pride and excitement. We knew that this was a significant opportunity to amplify our message and make a broader impact.

Reflecting on the experience, we realized how much we had grown through the process. We had stepped out of our comfort zones, faced uncomfortable truths, and emerged with a deeper understanding of a critical issue. The project taught us the power of empathy, the importance of social responsibility, and the impact that even a small group of determined individuals can make.
In the end, our project on malnourished children wasn't just a school assignment; it was a life lesson. It reminded us that behind every statistic is a human story, and that change begins with awareness and compassion. And as we stood together, proud of our work, we knew that this was just the beginning of our journey towards making a difference in the world. And amidst all the hard work, we also found moments of laughter and joy, whether it was getting scolded by an army doctor for enjoying ice cream or dealing with a punctured cycle tire while exploring the community , Those moments added a touch of adventure to our journey and strengthened our bond.

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