

My theology
There are three types of people 👫.

1-) Those who learn from their mistakes.

It's not pretty easy as it might sound. But people really do learn from their mistakes. Some more than others.
In different fields, manners, things. All depending on who and of the circumstances.

2-) Those who learn from other's mistakes.

Some people don't believe that people can learn from other's mistakes.

Very few people have this capacity. It is very difficult.

For me you need to be willing, observent, a good listener, inborn with and a lot more...

You might not really know why the person took that decision that caused him/her to end up making that mistake(s).

No matter how you might trying to understand some's pains it's obvious you end up understanding. You might live the same situation with someone at the same moment, etc... But both still have different feeling and conditions about the experience.

Those some might end up having the same observations and conclusion.

Hence, for me it is possible to learn from other mistake. It's not assured that you will end with 100%/100% but you might end up with 60% instead of a 10%. For me it is improvement.

3-) Those who never learn either from their own mistakes or from other's own.

This are the worse kind of people. The can get one really made and crazy.

From the least thing to the greatest.

To Identify this kind of people, you must live with them.

They are not always foolish or dull people in this group. This group is made up of very normal and educated people like us.

This is why I say, you must live with them before you know them.

Some manager and find their way out of this group. Some live and die in this group.
#Tchicks4life #WritcoStorycompetition #WritcoStoryChallange #differentpeople #differenttypesofpeople #l