

Behind the classrooms part 2
Previously on Behind the classrooms:
Me and Luka were spying on Mrs Grandi and the robotics captain suspecting that they could be upto something bad that could kill us all in Founders Boarding school.

Luka doesn't seem to still have hope on our investigation,or even that they are upto something bad but I know that fate made me hear them talking about that for a reason and that reason is that I should stop them before someone
gets hurt,with or without Luka. One day after Gym class while we were resting,Luka came to me ,he said he had found out something that could prove that they ARE NOT upto something. He made me listen to a recording of Mrs Grandi talking to Josh,the captain of the robotics class. He says it was the time that I heard them aguing . It turned out I was just being paranoid because they were only talking about detention. I was relieved and suspension free . I went to my room and I was writing on my diary about how dramatic I am .And I went to the boys doms to tell Nick all about it and when I entered Nick's room I couldn't find him.i searched for him everywhere around the school and could not find him. I was starting to feel scared so I quickly went to the principal and reported Nick missing and the principal told me that he had transferred."Isn't this so suspicious", I thought to my heard, "Luka has got to know about this". I quickly ran to Luka's room with terror. I knocked in his room and no one was answering so I just budged in and found Nick lying on the floor with blood all over his stomach. I quickly checked his pulse and he was dead . I don't know what to do at this point. I feel so afraid.

Comment on what you would do if you were me

part 3 coming tomorrow
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