

do not break me off a piece of that kitkat bar
Why do companies need to change their products? Do you know what I mean?
Mountain Dew is one of my favourite beverages. I love it. So, one time I'm out and I decide to stop for a dew. I go into the store and see that they're all sold out. No surprise there, the drink is amazing. Amazing things are hard to keep stocked. No big deal, there's another type of Mountain Dew in this fridge, I'll take it. I grab the bottle and read "major melon" on the label. Sounds good to me. I enjoy a good melon, I love Mountain Dew, what could go wrong? I'll tell you what went wrong. It tasted like the juice at the bottom of a garbage can. It was a nightmare!

Another time, a buddy of mine asked me if I would go get him a coffee crisp. I said no. He said, "aww come on, man. Please?"
Since he used manners, I agreed to go.
So, I walk into the corner store and head straight to where the candy bars hang out and locate the coffee crisp. As I go to reach for one, I spot another box of coffee crisp right next to it and immediately pause. As I focused my attention to the other box and observed it because I always want to purchase the freshest junk food, I noticed the packaging had the slightest difference. There was a little more red on it. I took a closer look and noticed it said, "double double." Double double? What? At this point, I'm confused.
Why is there a double double? There have been dinosaur fossils discovered with a coffee crisp wrapper laying next to them, this bar has been around that long, don't go changing it!

So now it's become an inconvenience. Instead of going into the store, paying for the coffee crisp and being on my way, I'm standing in the aisle like a moron calling my friend to ask him how he takes his coffee crisp!
As I'm headed to the counter to pay, I say to myself, you know what? I want a bar too. I see this basket of chocolate and a sign that reads, "99 cents." I spot a kitkat out of the corner of my eye, I put my attention to the basket in order to get a grip on the kitkat and I see "gold" written on the wrapper. Kitkat Gold. You know, the one that instead of delicious milk chocolate, they wrap the wafer part in sand?
Gold. Gold is good. Gold is the best. You wear a gold watch to look like a bigshot!
If you go represent your country at the Olympics and win, you get a gold medal!
If there was a candy bar Olympics this kitkat wouldn't even qualify! It was horrific!
When I was in the store and saw the sign, I thought 99 cents was a great price for a kitkat.
After I took a bite, I felt 99 cents was asking too much for a product this nauseating.

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