

I Was Lit But They Put Me Out
In the mountains I was riding
a rented camper bus
away but I see all is not
nature out here
it's a lot of ruff edges
of mountain living.
what looks so beautiful and natural
maybe the bad in the winds of change.
So I ride this bus
away but what I see
could not be known
I lived and tryed to get at me
as I lay in my camper
it yelled and shouldn't
even be no where
near people or this
cause it was it's own
sickness which bothersome
actions always want to blame.
And then move from the situation
every morning
hurting a soul an then
disappearing is what this thing
is all about. So I see this and I
do me trying to live
as if this camper was a home
no I was mad but I got over
it quick. As I could think and write
more. It all became clear that i
had to make sticks in the middle
of no where and fight the very
thing which was a terror
it's toast now as I look for it
with no thought of it yelling
earlier leaving an area then
being somewhere else to rob
my thoughts so I ride
this bus and the camper
flys open an I see hate
And I look it in its eyes
And have been yelled down
by it so many times that I
could only take so much.
So I stick it with a hundred
sticks so it could never lay
right again half walking to
it's own beat and thinking
that it is not going to get got.
what this was not that day.
I was a camper. On a mission
to stop these who got a lot
of hot air but are unfounded
so I was cross with this thing
in nature. But all is not like this
but it just was always asking for
a beat down and making fun that
I had to give it what it wanted
a stick for each nasty words it
said while I was awake in my camper
or while I was asleep in my camper
thinking it's just what it do then it show it's ugly faces outside thinking oh I am
outside so you can't say it's me no
it's you thing it's you and I am all
on you like rice mixed with tuna.
you that food that needs sticks
at your ass. To help you walk with
all the bullyshit you been throwing
night time an daytime thinking
I got away. No my camper door
swings open and got every single
thing in this 🌎 that starts shot
everyday. That's not your mission
in life God gave you a life for the
good of all mankind. Not the one
that says bother my camper 🚌
And always be at my doors starting
shit throwing it around as if you
the shot cause now you got a stick
And I am a warrior at you and your
bully. Trying to run this camper
but no I pay an play in this here
so let's go an get it clear you
was not even surprise to be camping
in my camper area. I never told anybody
where I was going how did you lojack
me. So I look under the camper bus and I see a tracker. Oh I am mad now so I will eat some sardines and checkers
And look at your ass on my camp
grounds. Oh what do I do with the
remains make you disappear in this world of just pop up and bother me no I don't think so. You got to go so I take it's sticks out and then I raise my hands
And it disappeared as if it was not even here and I look under the camper and it's tracker gone to but my only thought now is where did it go and why is at me and why is it so bold and cold at my soul.
For just being in what I call my camper
on a Saturday morning lay in low
not trying to deal with oppositions
early in the morning. Melting all over
my dirt right in front the camper
word now don't re appear and I have
to kick your ass. So it did just that but
it was not what it was it was a metal
coat rack. in the middle of my camp
grounds. So I go in my camper cause
I was ready for its ass and I get two
of my best coats. And I go hang it
on it. And I say be careful about what
you do cause you can get got to.
But he don't care he make his move
And it set me off so much so that
once my coats fall down in the dirt
I go off and hit that coat rack in its hooks and my hand bleeding so scream
bitch you want blood oh you going to
get got. Then I go in my camper get
a pack of matches and I lit it out there
but to my surprise this thing was not
scared it started making a loud noise
then winds started moving and I think
it's back up was coming and I look an
a space ship was hanging over me and my camper so I was like you not from
earth all shit. I am going down in history
as the first women with a camper kicking
your ass in front of your mother ship bitch. So lights lit up the ground and it
blinked him up to its mother ship and
drove away. And I was left with to of my best dirty jackets on the ground bitch.
He was saved by the mother ship what
kind. Aliens let there babies fuck with
people who not wanting to play today
or any other day ok. So as I pick my
coats up off the ground this thing
flys down and pushes me in the dirt
oh so it's like that. You want to beat
me but fly around. Then it sounds like
I heard this thing laughin so I really
got mad at these facts. And was like
this is bully 👽 it's a damn bank on another level of y'alls kind of crazy an
I am not with this ship. So the mother
ship heard me and threw my camper
in the mud and had me flying up there
but I was no you didn't. If I see your ass
when I come on your ship it's gone. And in my pocket was a book of matches
And I lit them things and it was the last thing that I wrote for we all blew up
And that aliens baby got away and he
got some pens and paper off a house robbed near by and he wrote my story
cause I went away try to beat the ass of
his alien mother ship. And they put my
fire out crazy.

© lashes