

The Travelers Stone
Oliver Noris looked at the smooth black stone in his hand and felt afraid. He was keenly aware now of what the stone meant. Placing the stone in his pocket, he walked over to the window and peered out at Upper Boddington. Its tall, talented trees, vast green fields, and distinctive rural charm was his home. He knew he would be leaving; he simply could not stay.

Several days ago while getting drunk at the Plough Inn, he met a traveler named Thomas Marion. Thomas was a casually unassuming figure. He sauntered into the pub, looked around, and darted towards Oliver. The two exchanged the usual pleasantries. If Oliver were not so completely battered that night, he would have sensed the oddity that was Thomas.

Oliver was mostly unremarkable, a cowardly man, a pub fixture, with not much going for himself. He worked at the local post office, went to church on Sundays, and had nobody in his life. Unless you count the crush on Freya Jones the pub owner. She was completely out of Oliver's league. If Oliver we're honest, he was obsessed with Freya.

Sure, he would participate in the dart games and drink himself into oblivion but Freya was the real draw. As with most things Oliver desired in life, she was unavailable to the likes of him. Thomas sat with Oliver, round after round, laugh after laugh until the evening shifted to a confession of sorts by his remembrance.

Whenever Oliver was hammered, he tended to turn into a sloppy, sad, sack of a man. He told Thomas everything about this life. His love for Freya, his overall discontent with his miserable job, how he felt his life was boring. Thomas didn't really feel sorry for him. Oliver found this odd in hindsight. No, Thomas almost seemed to be on a mission to convince him otherwise.

While Oliver was shitfaced, Thomas mentioned he was a traveler and that he had just come from Daventry. Daventry was about 10 miles from Upper Boddington. Daventry was fresh in Oliver's mind. About four days prior, the Cummins factory had caught fire, killing a large number of workers. It was all over the news. A completely freak fire. As the crowds thinned and the evening grew long, Thomas turned to Oliver and asked him, "what if for three days everything in your life could change?"

Oliver just stared at this question. He knew that in his current state, the question was impossible, but he said, "I would be chuffed to bits." Thomas went on to tell him a story about how he was approached by a woman while in a pub in Daventry and made the same offer. Interested, Oliver asked, "well did your life change?" Thomas looked at Oliver, finally, he said, "it most certainly did." Oliver was amused by this tall tale, pressed further, "how much is this going to cost me?" Thomas replied, "I guess that depends on you,"

Oliver studied Thomas for some time after that last remark. He could see the dark clouds in his eyes. Thomas gazed back with a certainty in his conviction. He said, "I will give you all the information." Thomas went on to tell of a three day period in which his fortunes changed. How he simply seemed to get whatever he wanted. Oliver was struck by how convinced Thomas sounded. Oliver asked, "how is all this possible?" Thomas reached into a pocket and produced a smooth, black, stone.

Staring at the stone on the table, Oliver spoke, "you can't be serious, this stone changed your life?" Thomas replied, "Oliver, I wouldn't lie to you about this." Oliver somehow doubted this sentiment. Yet, he was having the time of his life with this charade. He found himself wanting to believe this man. Thomas, looked, even more, excited. Still fingering the alleged mythical stone, Oliver asked, " you're just going to give it to me?" Thomas replied, "Oliver, the stone is yours."

They looked at each other with irritable feelings, like two starving wolves, fighting over a fresh carcass. Internally laughing at this scheming man, R & B music playing in the background, Oliver said, "alright, I'll take it." He stuffed the stone in his pocket and raised a glass to Thomas.

Thomas just looked at Oliver. "Oliver, this last part is extremely important." Thomas smiled at this obvious loon, "what is the last part?" Thomas replied, "by the morning of the fourth day, you must find someone else, anyone else, to give the stone too." Thomas looked at Oliver quizzically, "why?" Thomas was obviously frustrated now, "Oliver, just promise me you will do this?"

Oliver studied Thomas's sloppy appearance and brunette eyes. Eventually, he took a deep breath and said, "I will." Oliver could actually see Thomas's emotions flee his body, he patted Oliver on the shoulder and hurried out the door without another word. Oliver sat there for a bit longer, puzzled, battered, and knackered. He paid Freya for all the drinks, attempted a half-witted flirtation, and went home.

The next morning started off as all of Oliver's morning. He cooked himself a proper English breakfast, put on his postal uniform, and went to work. Arriving at work, clocking in, and settling into his usual blahs, he opens his email. One week ago, he sent a request for a raise in his wages. He appeared to be getting it. This was completely unexpected. The rest of this day went on in the manner if it was good and in Oliver's favor, it went his way. Reflecting on his day that night, he thought, maybe this stone is something.

Day two, started the same and carried the same rhythm. Left and right, Oliver continued to accept the fruition of all his hopes and desires. At this point, he had all but convinced himself. The stone was real. He was well aware of just dumb luck. Deciding to test the stone, he thought, "I want to be a racecar driver." It just happened that Upper Boddington was home to a professional team. Half an hour after thinking it, he got a call from Team GCR. In 2009 GCR fielded a car in the FIA European GT4 Championship. To say the least, he was floored.

Day three and seeing he had a power unmatched, he skipped his usual work. With this stone, he would think of a better job than a postal worker. No, Oliver was heading to the pub. Walking into the pub, choosing his usual spot near Freya, he noticed something different. She was utterly glowing at his arrival. This was completely fabulous. Smiling to himself, he motioned her over. She practically floated on the air to him, smiling that beautiful smile.

The morning of Day four found him in the naked embrace of Freya. Last night was a dream of all that he had ever wanted. Freya simply adored him. They had drinks and laughs to the envy of just about every male in the pub yesterday. It ended with her begging him to take her to bed. No, he would not be giving up this stone.

Getting dressed for work after seeing Freya off, he couldn't understand why Thomas had made him swear to give the stone to someone else by this morning. He shuffled to his car, started it, and headed into his job. Upon arrival, the usual check-in, he is summoned by his boss. Marching into the office, prepared for more good news his boss jumps into it. Oliver is told that he was seen in the pub all day and didn't call into work, so he was being fired.

Oliver stood there dumbstruck. He understood the logic of why he might be fired. Why he would be fired while having the stone, he wouldn't understand. Deciding this was a fluke, he convinced himself, another day in the pub with Freya, would solve this dismal outcome. Heading to the pub, he was shocked to see and hear sirens and lights outside of her pub. Rushing in, he is greeted by the news that in a tragic accident, Freya had cut her throat falling on broken glass. Not long after she showed up to work.

The fear now gripping Oliver was palpable. His firing was one thing. This accident with Freya was another. His appointment with GCR was also later today. He had to check. Calling the team, he learned that he would not be able to come to the club today. Also in a strange turn of events, the car he was to drive exploded, as well as several others. Taking the lives of most of the people around them. The words of Thomas played in his head. Oliver knew this had to do with the stone.

The feeling of dismay that washed over him, was only drowned out by the sirens that flooded the streets. Hurrying out, his neighbor is also curious. Oliver ask
If he knew what had occurred. The neighbor tells him that there has been a fire at Boddington Church. Oliver fell to his knees. Today was a children's fair. Walking back inside his home, he knew, without a shadow of a doubt. All of this was his responsibility because he decided to keep this stone. He made up his mind, packing a small bag of clothes, looking around his small place, he would find someone else to take the stone, and never return to Upper Boddington again.

© Rising Darkstar