

27. Trouble is all Dominic causes
Dominic's P.O.V

Today is a lovely day for my revenge. I would stop by my dear brother Dimitri's castle and inform his sons about what my dearest brother did to their loving mother today is such a nice day to tell them I can hardly contain my smile. I can smell my revenge. How dare they take my Ace away from me.

I was currently at a blood bar in my dearest brother kingdom and I must say I am having a lovely time. I am high on blood and I think I'm ready to talk to my sweet nephews now.

I teleported to the castle and they all were seated at the fancy dining table even my darling Mia was here oh how lovely she gets to see everything I cleared my throat and I then looked back at all the staring eyes my dearest brother was about to stan but I said "stop" and he went back to his seat how polite of him to listen to his baby brother.

"My dearest nephews, your father and my dearest brother is responsible for your mother's death and you should learn to accept that it is a good thing to have a murderer as a father" I said as they looked at me like I was crazy.

"You're obviously high on blood and I think you should leave,"said My dearest brother.

"No" I heard a lifeless voice from behind me and I know that voice so well it's my dearest baby brother Luca.

I turned to face him and gave him a big hug. He didn't return. I know he wouldn't have dearest Dimitri made him hate me.I let go of him and he looked at me with his lifeless green eyes.

"Let him talk," said my dearest Luca.I turned to face them all and continued with the conversation.

"Yes darling Mia and my loving nephews he killed her he's such a monster I watch him ripped her head from her poor little body with my own eyes"

"Father is Dominic telling the truth." Asked my lovely nephew Deamon. I don't know why my dearest brother doesn't make this boy cut his hair; he looks like a sissy.

All eyes were on my dearest brothers he stood and put on his sad face oh here comes the I had to do it she was a monster talk.

"Sons your mother was a treat she disgrace me she was unfaithful and she also threatened to kill Devin and I to get what she wanted I know it still doesn't justify killing her but she was power hungry she also wanted to us to stop feeding the vampires animal blood and bring over humans she even suggested kidnapping a few of those filthy creatures no one would ever know it was us we are in a completely different world she said

I honestly hated the woman she had become and I was blinded by rage so I killed her I know you guys would hate me for it but I had to it was her or the poor humans and I chose them i know should have told you this years ago but I hope you guys understand"

They all looked at my dearest brothers sadly and I looked at him in pity. I didn't know I thought the bitch was innocent. I thought she was good. I never once thought she was such a monster it must have been hard for my dearest Dimitri.

"Brother dearest I am sorry I never knew the bitch was a she beast" I said sadly.

"Dominic I am sorry I should have never taken her away from you. I should have never turned our brothers and father against you when all you ever did was help me. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me" said my dearest brother.

I longed to hear those words and I must say I am feeling a bit emotional. I turned and hugged Luca. He hugged me. My dearest baby brother hugged me back.

"YOU FUCKING MONSTER HOW DEAR YOU FUCKING KILLED HER YOU BEAST" said my dearest nephew Devin he got up from the table and stormed off.My other two nephews follow behind him.

Everyone sat in silence. I sat at the table and I think I should say something to break the silence.

"You should tell that sissy boy son of yours to cut his hair my dearest brother Dimitri"Everyone turned and gave the shut the fuck up look.

I got up from the table. My job here is done and I feel like I have overstayed my time. I should take my leave.

"All you cause is trouble, you know," said Darling Mia.

"I know but I was never like this before I would be taking my leave darling Mia it was nice seeing you again and I understand your hatred towards me it's hard to forgive me and I understand well I should leave dearest brothers I must say goodbye to you I don't know when we would see each other again" I said to them.

"Stay my son I need to have a conversation with all of you"

"What do you want to say to me?"Dominic said with an attitude.

"I have to speak to all of you," said Levin.

"Ok" Luca said lifelessly.

"Dimitri, there've been a lot of missing people right?" said Levin.

"Yes and not only in my kingdom but also in the wolf's kingdom also Camino told me that his people are complaining about their kids going missing and some of his soldiers are missing also"

"It is not only here in the supernatural world in the human world also the army, marines are also missing soldiers and ex marines and ex soldiers are going missing families are also complaining about their missing loved ones and people in the highest places are acting as if they know something" said Levin.

"We need to call a council meeting. Mia told your father we would have a meeting at his castle tomorrow morning," said Levin.

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