

Obsessed: Part 5
Chloe's pov.

" Anna why did you lie that you were sleeping with Ashley?"

I said as my embarrassment turned into anger.

This could of been avoid had Anna not lied that Ashley Aniston was in our corner.

"I must of m-misunderstood something..."

Said Anna sounding like an idiot.

" Excuse me? look at us! Do you really want to lie to me right now?"

I said threatening as I rolled my sleeves.

"We kissed at the party and I thought it meant something!"

Shouted Anna before sobbing.

"Are you serious? that drunken kiss? she probably thought you were someone else!"

I screamed before punching the mirror and stopped mid air.

"Wait you not dating Ashley but Decodah is?
Wow plot twist huh? how you feel losing to a pig?"

I asked chuckling as I cleaned myself and changed my outfit.

I fixed my makeup and I looked even better than last time.

" How are you happy? it's Ashley, don't you like her?"

Asked Anna in shock at a new discovery.

"I was wrong about her, nothing magistic about a rich bish."

I responded smirking.

"I like kind girls, smart girls and cuddly cute girls."

I said smiling to myself at my own revelation.

"Sweet helpful girls who show up for you?"

Anna said smirking weirdly before laughing.

"What's funny? share your joke please?"

I said laughing before the joke as usual.

Not knowing the bomb that Anna was about to drop.

"Hahaha wow you described Decodah William.
Not going to lie she's not bad to look at."

Said Anna smirking at my shocked face.

"unfortunately for you, you put a frog in her locker with a funny note.
Your chances of dating her are very slim."

Said Anna before walking away like she discovery the cure to aging.

Than it hit me like a truck.

I'm pretty smart and only pretended to be clueless around Deco.

To spend more time with her and we did get along till this morning.

"Oh my fuck I'm inlove with Deco Williams!!!!?!?!"

I shouted in the empty bathroom not caring who over heard.

I became speechless with this revelation.

Deco was always there and reliable and sweet.

How can I reverse Time? I want to go back to this morning.

I want to tell her the truth.

I don't think she is fat or ugly, or has a frog face.

I think she look elegant and stunning in her dress.

Her hair is beautiful too.

Ugh I can fix it right?

So what if Ashley Aniston wants her? I've known her longer.

I'll start by apologizing with flowers and an honest note.

© Icepeach25