

My Village.
Chapter Two

Part One.

The night was cold and the only thing that could be heard were eerie sounds like that of witches and wizards. Laughters and arguments between people who did not exist. The whole village was quiet as only these sounds were heard.

The moon shone into Jumoke's room. The light kept her awake. It was a very good companion, comforting and encouraging words her to let go of all her sorrows. Yes, it was the day of the sacrifice.

The moon shone brightly and served as an encouragement to Jumoke that there would be light on her journey to the forest. As she was still meditating, the chief priest appeared in her room.

" Princess Olajumoke, it is time to wash off the salt you poured in the eyes of the gods"

Jumoke sat down,looking at him, all at sea about the situation.

"Stand up and take my hand" the chief priest ordered.

Jumoke went close to him and immediately she held his hand, both of them disappeared. African superstition.

At the village stream, a very happy choir rehearsal of joyous choristers were heard. The crickets,frogs and toads and even goats together with some birds were singing happily and the waters danced joyously to the tune of the music.

The toads did not fail to take up the bass notes to sweeten the event. The moon did not fail to supply light to the occasion. Soon after the first note had finished, Jumoke and the chief priest appeared by the river bank.

The moon withdrew it's light in great fear. The goats leaped in trepidation, the frogs and toads hopped in great trembling. The birds, however courageous stayed but kept shut. The singing birds were replaced by hooting owls.

"We are here, announced the chief priest. "Let us begin before the gods spite us "

He lifted up his calabash and began to pour water on Jumoke until her body and even her hair was soaked. After that, she tied a white wrapper and blouse which the chief priest said it was to protect her from evil spirits in the forest.

He asked her to kneel down. He placed the etutu sacrifice on her head and gave her a stern warning not to look back.

By that time, all the choristers had left and it was only owls that were flying in the sky. The moon, her faithful companion had to seek safety out of his cowardice. It was not like the sun, fearing no one and exposing every hidden thing.

Jumoke reached the forest. It was not far from the stream. The sacrifice was so heavy for her that it reduced her speed. She just wanted to drop the sacrifice and get out of there. The moon began to gain courage and supplied some dim light.

Jumoke stepped on different things, blood, bones and fleshes of people but she was not bothered. She wanted to leave. As she walked with the sacrifice estranging her neck, an idea occured to her. To see Joba after she had dropped the sacrifice.

Soon she saw the tree and moved closer to it and dropped the sacrifice. Immediately she did that,she appeared in her room.

End of part one. Thanks for reading. Vote and comment. Endeavor to read the next part. God bless you.

Part Two.

On contemplating to see Joba, she saw the guard that was meant to see to it that she was grounded. He was wide awake, only that he did not spot her. She moved towards her bed and carried her food and hand wash basin and put it inside a basket and let it out through the window like Paul.

She jumped through the window and picked up the basket. She seemed to be a talented amateur. She smelt freedom.

The compound was empty and quiet. The sky was also clear. She saw a cock standing in front of the gate of the compound.

She ignored it and walked over to the prison where Joba was and dropped the food through the window. It was a very small room, so she did not need to climb anything. She turned to go back to her room when she saw her mother.

"Ah,ah,ah, Jumoke, where? how did you come out of your room?

" Mummy, I jumped through the window so that I can give Joba food to eat" she said half heartedly.

"Ah, ah, the gods,have mercy on me. What is wrong with this girl? Is it not the same Joba that made you go to that evil forest alone? Have you come back already?

"Yes mummy, I have.

" Ok. The chief priest must not see you here. Go inside your room. We would talk at the Ife festival. Don't worry. Go and sleep"

Jumoke went into her room to sleep. Her mother walked into her room. In her heart,she was thankful that her daughter was alive,safe and sound.

She went to her room, changed her wrapper and went to her husband's room.

" Ah,Olori (queen) why are you here?

" Kabiyesi, Jumoke has come back.

"Ah,she has come back? how is she?

" I don't know, but she did not look bad to me. She looks fine.

" How did you see her? Because I know she is supposed to be in her room after she had dropped the sacrifice"

"Hmmm. The queen heaved a sigh.
" I saw her outside. She went to give food to Joba in prison "

" What? What is wrong with your daughter? that man that caused our predicament,is the one you gave food to?

" Hmm. My own concern is that she is okay and the sacrifice did not cost her anything"

" You should be thinking of the safety of your daughter because I don't think it is safe as she left her room after the sacrifice"


Jumoke sat down in her room facing the window. The betrayal, the moon, began to shine brightly again. She was prepared to face it. She was prepared to die. But she must be free from the shackles and chains of traditions.

End of part two. Thanks for reading. Ensure you vote and comment. Endeavor to read the next chapter.