

Letter To DASHI!!!
Dear Dashi,
I hope everything is fine with you, as you already know everything isn't fine with me. I have NEET-UG and it's really tiring and hectic. You are in college and I know it's hectic for you too, you stay away from home in hostel. But you know what... I want you to prioritise me but not before college and your career. I want you to prioritise me after your career and college. You play games after college and spend time with your hostelites. Yes you do, ofcourse you should. But you know what prioritise me before them if possible for you. I know you need time for yourself, games and coding. But I just want sometime of yours at eve or night, that also if you fine. But I really really want you, no not want but need you especially when I am not well like right now. I called you, but you were busy with games so I left it... You know what I wanted you to prioritise me this time before games, still fine no worries, at the end it's just pain only, not like I am dying. Still, this heart always expects more. So yeah, I WANT YOU TO PRIORITISE ME!!!
From Dashi
To Dashi

© Khushi Prajapati Aazad-e-kalam
