

Finding The Balance
Which method of discipline do you prefer, soft or tough? Create a story about the query to back up your response.

Neliza had just started teaching high schoolers a few months ago. She was well-versed in her subject and had a passion for teaching students. However, she was still trying to establish herself as a respectable educator with a firm grip on discipline that can make her classroom organized and effective.

Neliza believed that students should be given a chance to make mistakes and learn from them, so she had always preferred a more softly spoken approach. However, as the weeks went by, Neliza noticed that her classroom had become rowdy and students often failed to meet deadlines or complete assignments on time.

One day, Neliza decided it was time to be more assertive. She stood before her class and asked them, “Which method of discipline do you think is most effective - soft or tough?” The students were taken aback and remained silent. After a few moments of silence, Neliza continued, “In life, we face situations where we make mistakes. And often these mistakes come with a price. So, which method of punishment do you think is appropriate – a punishment that is lenient or tough?”

The students began to voice their opinions, some arguing that a soft approach would allow them to learn from their mistakes, while others reasoned that tough discipline would better emphasize the consequences. When the debate came to an end, Neliza shared her own views.

“I have always been a fan of a softer approach in discipline,” she said, “however, as I look around this class, I see the chaos of my teaching methods. Now is the time to implement a stricter system so that everyone is held accountable for their actions.”

Neliza then set a clear set of rules and guidelines for her class. She held every student accountable and reminded them of the consequences of breaking the rules set in place. The students gradually began to follow protocol, and the class became more organized and efficient.

Neliza eventually realized that while giving second chances and being too soft is important, she had to show the students that their actions will have consequences, and without clear boundaries, it was tough to create a stable and respectful environment in the classroom.
© tekkanshojiro