

Serial Killer part 3
He was sitting and hug his best friend grave , the best friend parents told him someone has kill him cruely . He heard and got so angry, he ask his best friend parents who kill him , the parents doesn't know who kill his best friend .
parents take him to the house, he went to his best friend house and went to his room , he cried and sit on his bed his he remembers his best friend words, don't leave me whatever happens , I won't leave you and go I promise from the bottom of my heart, his best friend give a chain , and he told to his best friend , This chain is for you don't ever take out whatever happen ,
He open his eye and saw a letter in the table , he went to his table and open the letter
He read the letter that his best friend got wrote for him , I am sorry for everything , that I had done to you , when I had a friends a lot I forget about you , I had a wrong friend who had teach me in a wrong way , I know I hurt you a lot , I hit you , I felt guilty and sorry for you , I had learn my lesson , I had come to hospital to say sorry to you , I want you to open your eyes to look at me but no u keep mention my name , I hug you and say sorry , and before I left I look at you ,to say bye but u didn't open your eyes ,
I miss you so much , The letter he read end there , while he read the letter his tears flow.
He want to know who had kill him y he did that , y he need to be so cruelty to kill his best friend,
He want to find for it and he squashed the paper in anger , and went out from his best friend house.