

Read the First part before Reading this:
The Gangster which they had caught tell them the place where the bomb was planted. The Place was a Concert Hall. It was very crucial to denote the bomb. They grab him in the car. There were hundreds of people were arrived in the concert. Their lives were cost a lot.
"We all have to be prompt and quick."
said Agent Y7.
"We are with you." replied Agent G4.
"Come on! Get in the car." loudly Agent G4.
They went to the Concert to denote the bomb. There was a singing concert and they had to find the bomb in the crowd.
"You search it behind the stage. I will search in middle of audiences. "Said Agent Y7 to J3.
"I will check the CCTV. " said G4.
They were doing their best for it.
"I found it." said G4 fastly.
"Where it is ?" said Y7.
"I think it should must be below the stage." answered G4.
They all reached there. The show was about to begin. Finally, they found it. They were defusing it. They use the newer gadgets. It was a severe task for them. It was the Time Bomb. They succeeded in defusing it.
When everyone knew that those three saved the city, they were congratulated.
"I am proud of all of you. Your courage has been determined. " said Mr. Fields.
The Mr.Fields said that their organisation is successful but the whole world will identify it as a city police. FOCUS will remain secret and will always come front in every threat.
"Thanks both of you! It will won't possible without your efforts. " said Agent Y7.
"It was our duty, Sir ". Said J3.
"I will prepare myself for every task." said G4.
"Let's meet again. "
They went on a vacation but they will be back soon for the Action.....

To be Continued........