

Made enough Mistakes?
Have you ever slipped up and went and did something that you swore to thine ownself that you wouldn't do or go through again?

Sure you have not all pleasures turn out and pleasures in the end but maybe a lesson that should be learned from.

How did you feel after you once again realized that you've done something you shouldn't have AGAIN? Did it make you sad? , Did it give you a depressive state trying to map out just how you're going to overcome the mistake this time?

First of All, Noone walking this Earth is perfect. We all know this right? The Good Lord above even knows this which is why HE tells us to pray,. repent, and turn away from sin. Very much easier said than done on this planet Earth. Sometimes we want to forget about the responsibilities of life and just enjoy ourselves..have "fun" even if just for a moment. We want to forget what we know to do and just have fun because we think we deserve to do this from time to time in our lives. An unhealthy mindset because its lying to ourselves and gives way to us thinking and engaging in things we think we will get away with.

One major thought is you can go out and spend all the money you want. (Yes you can) dance and drink all you want and as often as you want. (Yes you can). However when the business is closed and it's time for you to go home..From the moment you get in the car before putting the keys in the ignition then and there you'll STILL have responsibilities, the same ones you had before you went off to go enjoy yourself.

We ALL have done things that we shouldn't have and paid the suffering consequences thereafter, the suffering consequences taking even more time, energy and money to overcome and get back on track towards growth and not being behind. We knew we shouldn't have engaged in the act the moment we started and if we're honest before then as well. A mistake made more than once isn't a mistake anymore but a choice we made. A choice we made already knowing the consequences could be uncomfortable we just didn't care at the moment assuming that we will be fine. Actually no you won't because instead of growing and going forth you now may have to catch up again with your own self so you can move on towards your next destiny that's actually meant for you in a great way, now you have to start over, work harder, spend more money, or go without because of a mistake you made and blew off as no big deal.

So how do we go on with our life after making a mistake? What must we do so we don't repeat the same mistake?.

In my personal opinion and experiences we must first remind ourself what our true goal is..Then immediately after ask yourself if this act will throw you off track mentally, emotionally, or even physically. If Yes, then simply put we shouldn't do it...Why would you go do something you know you're going to have to pry yourself out of through to make you ok again after the fun is over?. The thought of you starting over again should be a turn off, should maybe even scare you..You've come so far, obtained so much that took you so long to finally have for the betterment of your life only to lose it over a mistake that shouldn't happened to begin with.

Yes Trials and Tribulations come to make us stronger. However, our mistakes have to be thought about, remembered, and most importantly our mistake learned from. For if it 8snt learned from or taken lightly you may very well find yourself going through the same kind of hardships again. Noone likes having the feeling of us just spinning our wheels not getting anywhere. Yet you really have noone else to blame but yourself, not stress, not someone else but there's no one to blame but YOU.

So you're out of the hole you dug and put your own self in.. I encourage you to remind yourself how uncomfortable and unhappy you were in trying to figure out how you were going to get yourself out. Don't dwell for too long instead think about what acts got you in that position.. remember that so you don't repeat it again.

You're a child of GOD morning will come you'll see the sun because you have lesson to be learned, a test you haven't passed yet.

Get up in the morning,. wash your face, brush your teeth, change your clothes and act like you know better because through many trials and errors by now...You most definitely KNOW BETTER.

Don't allow the mistake to depress you or make you feel helpless because you aren't at all..

Do be mindful of lessons learned from your mistakes

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