

Ch.2 Pt.2: Kitathas Leire
Gwydion’s anger was visible to all as he could not even enter his own throne room and Fionn had a hardy chuckle over that one. Arianrhod sealed it with her element when she wanted peace and the idea that she wanted peace from Gwydion was too hilarious.

“I should kill you and be done with it!” He snarled at his younger half-brother.

“Explain how you would fight your battles Gwydion? You can hardly be bothered to get off your ass except to TAKE an ass.” Fionn retorted as he chuckled with no mirth.

Gwydion grew an ice spear and threw it at Fionn and it landed in his right shoulder blade. He wore an emerald green tunic so his blood was not seen to soak the garment.

“You really wish to fight inside the palace big brother? I will wipe the floor with your girl face!” The thunder ekimmu warned.

“Neither of you will do anything of the kind!” Arianrhod snapped as she stood in the doorway of her throne room.

“Piuthar! Why did you lock ME of all people out of our throne room?” Gwydion demanded as his skin was dusky.

“Bràthair, what I do in MY throne room is up to me. I give you a place at my side as my twin otherwise occupy yourself.” She said with clenched teeth.

Gwydion could not believe his ears and Fionn had a raised eyebrow. He loved it when she put the self- important brat in his place.

“You will pay for this!” Gwydion hissed as he passed thunder incarnate.

Arianrhod stared at Fionn and smiled softly as he came nearer. She hugged him tightly and patted his back as he stepped away from her. She wore a stolla like dress in silver and she looked magnificent. What he did notice was that the fae was missing from her throne room.

“I let him go.” She shrugged.

“You let him go? I do not understand that statement.” Fionn asked almost stupidly.

“I grew bored with him and I let him go. You were right and I should never have taken him prisoner. Besides it is Don I would prefer to destroy!” Arianrhod smiled as she cuffed him lightly on the chin.

“You are different Piuthar. Is all well?” Her commander brother asked.

“I am very well Fionn. I am just focusing.” She shrugged.

“No. I know you Arianrhod. I know the Silver Wheel and I know when she bestows her heart. What trickery did the fae use??” He demanded suddenly angry.

“You touch him and I will kill you.” Arianrhod threatened with navy blue eyes.

“You fell in love with another fae?” Fionn asked in fury.

“Gwydion has his lovers and I will have him. You do not touch him or you will not live a day.” She hissed as she feared for her newest conquest.

“I will not touch your toy Arianrhod. Our parents in the heavens know you will tire of him soon enough!” He scoffed.

She could not believe her ears and she slapped him as hard as she could. She stalked away from her beloved half-brother. She and he both knew her threats were empty, as if she would ever harm Fionn Hammel. No, she loved him too well for that. She also refused to have her Undine touched by any fae or ekimmu.

“Bràthair promise me that you will not touch him or allow Gwydion to either.” Arianrhod said from the hall.

“Of course Arianrhod, I am always at your command, no matter how stupid they are. I adore my sister and queen too well to betray her.” He sighed.

“I am falling in love with that creature.” She admitted.

“Then Taranis help us. You will bear him a child?” Fionn asked almost jealously.

“If I so wish to, then I will.” She stated lifting her head.

“What of the war?” Came his next question.

“What war?” Arianrhod asked almost coldly.

“As I thought. Arianrhod please take care.” He sighed as he bowed and left her presence.

Arianrhod stared out at the sea and in one day she had completely changed towards the water fae. She had a weakness for them and she knew it but she also knew she could not help it.

“Oh mother Don; you will pay for entering my lands but not through your sweet man. No. I will take that man as mine. You will lose your commander of your army.” She whispered.
Gwydion waited in their shared bed chambers and he was furious. Her insipid little remarks had embarrassed and humiliated him in front of Fionn of all ekimmu and he would not stand for it. He was her other half and it was unseemly that his mate and twin would turn HIM away.

“Where have you been?” He demanded as she entered.

“Since when do I answer to you Gwydion?” She sneered as she stormed past him in her silver stolla.

He lost his temper and her twin slapped her with such fierceness that she hit the ground. Arianrhod stared up at him seething in anger as blood trickled from her busted lip.

“How dare you touch me other than to worship!” His twin snarled

“Get over yourself Arianrhod; I am not some minor courtier! You and I shared that bitch’s womb and I know your mind Piuthar, I know it as no other. You let the Undine go. Did he fuck you well?” Gwydion raged as his skin took on a chill.

“Yes Gwydion! He did so gloriously! He made me feel things you have not in over a century! I daresay he even knows how to bring me pleasure instead of himself!” Arianrhod retorted as she stood and struck back.

Gwydion hit a pillar and it cracked a little. His skin was a bit on the blue side and as his eyes darkened. His twin was looking frightening in her anger and he was flat out jealous.

“Go and find us something to amuse us both this night, I have some messengers from the outlying provenances to see.” She commanded.

“Male or female?” Gwydion said calming his angered blood.

“Male, I do believe.” Arianrhod stated looking thoughtful.

“As you command.” He purred almost excited.

She knew how to work her twin and allowing him to find them playthings to entertain them in their beds made him much more compliant. Gwydion enjoyed playing with his food and achieving orgasm before he fed, it always made him much more agreeable. The Silver-Wheel had enough time to get into Leth`Evana and back before the fall of night and she was taking a huge risk; but then she was known to be a risk taker.
Her white horse was walking along a dense path along a wide river in the fae plane. Ailduin was not a salt-water fae but a fresh water one. She could tell when she tasted him and she knew he was high ranking as his place as a commander in Don’s army. The fresh water Undine and salt water kind were different as the night and day. There could be differences in their coloring as well; as Nwyvre had been a salt-water Undine and he had born black hair, but that was unusual completely. Most undine had white to pale yellow hair. Their eyes would be any shade of the water they came from; emerald green to turquois of the deepest shade. Her instincts were correct and Ailduin Ludok found her before she went any further along the river.

“Why have you come here?” he hissed in shock.

“I told you, if I wanted you, than I would take you.” Arianrhod replied as she slipped from her horse.

She wore a silver chest plate over a simple silver tunic dress. Leather sandals laced up her feet and Ailduin was trying to forget what had happened just earlier that day but the fact that she was here so soon only confirmed the fact that he would never be free of her.

“No you shall not.” She said coldly at his thought.

“Stay out of my head Arianrhod!” Ailduin said in sudden anger.

“You use my name, so you have accepted your status?” Arianrhod demanded.

“I accept that you give me no choice in the matter. You will kill my wife if I do not.” He retorted.

She grabbed his throat and slammed him against a beautiful oak tree and stared at him in anger for mentioning another wench. Everything in this plane was lusher; greener and generally more vivid. He wore a dark blue tunic top embroidered with runic symbols and white leggings.

“I am yours, remember? You spoke it as you took me and drove home your seed.” She whispered breathlessly.

“You remind me of my shame and sin!” Ailduin actually growled.

“I am the Queen of all Ekimmu and heir of Taranis. I am not some common whore Ailduin.” The Silver-Wheel replied getting angry all over again.

Memories of what occurred only that morning assaulted his elfish brain and he reached up and grabbed her hand from his throat and forced it to intertwine with his. His mouth smashed against hers and blood spilled from the brutal kiss. How and why he was doing this, he could not answer but he worked her breast plate off and ripped the silk of her tunic gown off to expose her flesh. The waters were warm in the forests of his homeland and he laid her beside the river as his hips drove his organ deeper and deeper into her folds. Her silver hair haloed on the ground around her head and her cries could not be silenced. Arianrhod’s knees were bent and her legs open wide, leaving her fully exposed to his onslaught. Ailduin was not gentle but nor was he brutal; he took his time to brand her and make her weep and he was shocked to see blood leak from her eyes.

“What are you doing to me?” The ekimmu goddess whispered in an agonizing groan.

“If I am yours Arianrhod; then you will know what it is to fully be loved by a fae.” Ailduin murmured as his mouth claimed hers.

A hand crushed a breast but it was not pain but exhilaration that drove them both. He could not stop nor would he stop. Ailduin Ludok was head of a noble fae line and this would cause terrible repercussions but he did not care suddenly. He did not care that she was ekimmu and all he cared about was making the Silver Wheel as weak and low as she climbed her high. Her walls clenched him almost painfully over and over as she could not speak as her climaxes hit her. Her whole body tightened and began shaking and breaking out into a cold sweat.

-You hear me Silver Wheel? - He demanded in her mind.

-Ailduin, I cannot! No more. I have to return. - Arianrhod begged.

He delved deeper into her mind than she had ever allowed anyone; even Nwyvre had never been so bold. Arianrhod’s final climax milked him of his siol and his arms shook violently as his eyes shut tightly as their shuttered screams left them without breath. Ailduin collapsed against her and Arianrhod’s hand rested upon his sweaty back.

“You will renounce your wife.” She stated with closed eyes.

“Aye.” Her fae lover responded.

“I will give you a son.” Arianrhod continued.

“Why would you give me an heir?” He asked softly.

“Because I can foretell these things.” She spoke with authority.

“So our bastard child would be what?” Ailduin said suddenly sitting up.

“Raised by me of course.” She replied as if he was stupid.

“Oh of course, and I would never see him! You madam are insane.” Her fae love snapped.

“What is one child to a warrior?” The Silver-Wheel demanded.

“My child would have part fae abilities; my child would be an outcast and a temptation in your world!” He challenged her.

“What do you suppose I give birth and allow your wife to raise our son?” Arianrhod said seething.

“Safer he would be.” Ailduin snapped.

“I am to be his mother and no other!” She snarled at him and she gathered what was left of her clothing and pride.

“How do you plan to explain this?” He asked suddenly.

“I do not plan to explain anything. I am Arianrhod. I am the Silver-Wheel and I will have Don’s head on a platter.” Came her reply as she looked for her horse.

“We will see what happens before our child comes to term.” Her fae said with measured words.

“Never keep yourself from me.” The ekimmu queen commanded.

“Nor you, for if I have to renounce my wife, I shall have need to take you mercilessly.” Her fae stated matter-of-factly.

Ailduin did not wait nor were there any pretty words. He left her standing there and her body still shook from the many splendid aftershocks. She was playing with danger of epic proportions but yet; she felt alive again, she felt whole again. Arianrhod felt as one.
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#historicalfiction  #mythology #celtmyth #welshmyth #godsandgoddesses #elf #fey #elvenfiction