

Princess Jane{3>
There were shouts in the village spuare of Darona,there was great panick and disorder.

There locals ran for their lives,they tried to protect themselves from red terrifying monsters they preyed on the innocent lives.

"you're majesty,they are monster's terrorizing our citizens,they are scarred and terrified."A guard said running.

"ready my soldiers,get me a sword,and take my family to safety"The king demanded.

"dad what's going on?"Jane asked.

"be brave my girl"The king said putting his hand on her shoulder.

suddenly the window shattered,and monsters flew in,and they roared and screeched asnd tore some servants and guards apart.

Among the red mist,you could see a figure,it held a staff that had an emerald shinning.

"who is there?"The king said drawing his sword.

"how could you have forgotten me...it's me,Fiona"She said laughing.

"what do you want?"The king asked.

"I just noticed that you're now king,you have a beautiful wife and your daughters heart is absolutely gold"She laughed..

"what do you want?"He asked again.

"well um, I'm here to make a trade"She said.

"what trade?"

"Your daughter...for your kingdom"She said.

"what do you need my daughter for?"He asked, taking a protective position.

"all you need to know is that she is needed,give her to me,or everyone dies"She said menacingly.

"dad,let me go with her"Said Jane.

"don't be naive Jane,her plans are evil"He said.

"well,since you're not complying,how about I let one of my monster's kill a baby"She said.

"dad, I'll be fine"Jane reassured.

"honey"Her mom sobbed.

"I'll come with you"Jane yelled.

"excellent"Fiona laughed as a red mist covered them all,and when they were cleared neither Fiona,nor Jane was seen again..

...part 4, coming soon
© Lucky.E