

Whisper-whisper the tall grass Part. IV
There was no way around it as Mr. Maddy leaned up against the post as Sheer looks at him. As he was down low on his knees, and looking right at Will in his eyes he could almost see the fear in his eyes. Like a cacateal that was caged inside its bird prison. And so Sheer gets up off his knees, and Will couldn't move a single inch. And he looks down upon him as he stood before Will and he thought after beating him to death and somehow it didn't stick.
And so Sheer thought maybe that Will was getting the picture, and he wanted to see if he did learn something.
So Sheer looks at him like a master to a slave boy that needs to be taught a lesson and Will looks up at Sheer and slowly gets back up on his feet.

"You see Mr. Maddy how stubborn
you are? Why don't you stop playing
the dumb card and listen to my advise when I say that you need
to rewrite the entire ending of
your play that you wrote and if
you don't will another tragedy
Will fall upon ya."
"I don't see why I half
to the page is written.
and the play was published
so your too late on that part."
"Oh I don't think so?"
"Tell me what makes the
page bad?" "Will the males character
lacks all the efforts of a
man. As it should be like
the truth instead of a lie"

And Will slowly gets up on his feet and stands before Sheer and he looks into his eyes and wonders what was going on in that mind of his. And Sheer steps away from Will and stops and skids his feet to stop.

"A lie?"
"Yes a lie. And you see
Mr. Maddy the lie can cover up
the truth. Than the truth covering
up the lie instead of a lie you ought
to tell the truth it's more captivating
and more honest to the public eye
but what you did was nothing but

As Sheer looks back at Will and
he. Stops and leans up against the
door and he forgot to ask about his.
Hat, and he stops mid way between
the door to the barn.

"Mr. Maddy I should remind you to return my hat with a most kind way

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