

once upon a time there was a ancient crab that could transform into a dragon the crabs name was Draco the great and the Prince name was Adam the great now both creatures were great in all the ways that could be but in more ways then 1 dragon was able to shape shift into any thing it wanted now Adam was smart he prayed on the dragons ego challenging the dragon to game of contest where winner takes all in high stakes match of the wits now draco was smart instead of him saying I read all who think they can beat me in the battle for the mind see Draco was a reader of novels he love the challenge of the mind in problem solving so Adam ask him I earth sea and land I was here at the beginning when no one was but ya came before me in form of me who am I Adam quickly replied u are god a chief Indian of men yes u are correct Adam very good I travel east north south and west who am i u are the wind u travel east north west south ok princess Adam oh ok draco u got jokes no adam i got shit for brains and my head is a wise man who knows but doesn't so tell me draco why did u come out today because adam its simple my very nimble friend today is my birthday so I came to visit the prince who everyone says is smarter than me I came to test ur wits has a person oh Draco that most really hurt ur ego u knowing im smarter then u yes my friend i am all knowing in the things that play part with my brain being one with self the art of mastering all and changing the way we look at things adam do please stop trying imitate me before crush ur head sand