

Obsessed: part 1
Ashley's pov.

She rejected me infront of my best friend and my fan club.

My chest hurt, I had only asked for a simple date!

I didn't ask to marry her! Why?

I mean, I'm everyone's type both guys and girls.

I'm attractive and have hour glass shape, double D breast and bubble butt.

I happened to be rich so what's her problem I can buy her anything she wants!

Is it my grades? it's my grades! I'm failing literature in front of her.

I looked at my friend heartbroken with disbelief.

No one has rejected me right away before.

"You caught her at a bad time, her friends turned out to be snakes."

Said Lisa giving me much needed hope.

Ofcorse Who two clout chasers who she called friends bad mouthed her in my presence.

How could I have defended her? I was too distracted by how well her dress hugged her waist.

How about her curly waist length hair that was colorful.

No it was her yummy scent of citrus and blue berries with roses.

"I'm going after her, we have maths together. I will run her down till she agrees."

I said to my friend following our Valedictorian Decodah Williams.

My fan club does miss following me like flies on meat.

"Ash hey! can I carry your bag? you look beautiful as always-"

Said one of the annoying girls in my class.

I Muted their buzzing I got to class. I hate sitting infront but today it's for a good cause.

I smiled radiantly At Deco as I called her and sat on the seat next to hers.

She immediately got up and went to the back.


What's even happening right now? I didn't even get one word in.

I guess I'm going to the back, I always get what I want.

I turned around and looked at her smirking before shaking my head in disbelief.

I took my bag and got up from my chair ready to follow Deco to the back.

Imagine my support to see our lecturer in my face.

"Where do you think you going? Can't you see my A+ student doesn't want you distracting her?"

Said Prof. Hudson an unpleasant good looking man.

Who stare daggers at me ready to pick me out of the classroom if I move an inch.

I stared at Deco longingly. I didn't want to be on bad terms with my lecturer so I sat down.

The football captain that every girl was inlove with apart from me, sat next to me.

My mood instantly soured because we hate each other yet our parents are best friends.
© Icepeach25