

In this part, I will discuss about ramakrishna paramahamsa(swami vivekananda guru)-great saint of 19th century

-From the young age, sri ramakrishna was fond of serving holy men and listening to their guidance. He was married 5 year old sarada devi when he was age at 23.Although she was very younger than sri ramakrishna(he looked upon sarada devi as divine mother)

-Sri ramakrishna believed every man and woman are holy. He not only practiced hinduism but also other religions like Islam, christianity, muslim

-Sri ramakrishna was an extordrinary teacher. He teached every student according to their natural aptitude and he knew everyone past, present and future. He revealed his spiritual nature many times to his disciples.

-Sri ramakrishna passed away on 16th augest 1886 due to throat cancer. Before master passing, vivekananda was seated near his bed and thinking himself
I believe you are really god, sri ramakrishna looked towards vivekananda and said: he who was rama and he who was krishna is now ramakrishna in this body

-Every religion has their own or different path but always lead to a single goal that is god
-The man who work for others without any selfish motive really does good to himself
-Sri ramakrishna

Hope you like this story. This story is to remember our spiritual values. Every husband and wife should take the role model as sri ramakrishna and sarada devi

To be continued...

© Teju