

A weird dream I had
The setting was in my old, smaller house I lived in with my parents when I was elementary but I am aroynd the same age or only a bit younger than now (I'm 20 btw)

It was stormy and raining hard outside. I ws just doing my own thing in front of the computer, dad is sleeping and mom't on her phone in her room. Everything seems normal until we hear loud noises that seems to be explosion but we didn't see anything, we assumed it was just a thunder or something.

Then after a while the sound occurs again, it sounds more like a very loud thump, not ear deafening hut from the soudb we can tell that it is very near to us. Because I am worried I decided to come to my mom, she's also worried and looking for me and we just glad that we's both okay.

So we stay close to each other but lookung around trying to find the source of the noises, then I can see right behind mom a small explosion occured with some fiery red flash and black smoke so I pulled her out and we run to my parents' room. This time my dad's also awake. We three sit on top of the bed and hug each other in fear. This time we all see the fiery explosion right behind us but outside of the window, strangely it didn't shatter or crack the window at all.

Although a danger seems to occur I can't heop but needing to use the bathroom, so I went anyways. And just when I sat on the toilet my vision gets blurry and everything turns grey, feels like slow mo. For a few seconds the door seems to be disappearing so I ran up yelling "MOM, MOM" a few times but my voice was muffled, I was trying to yell but my voice always comes out too quiet for anyone to hear.

The moment the door reappears I quickly pulled the handle and ran out. I see ny parent standing together in the room, the explosions could be heard in all directions but somehow our house still intact, no one gets hurt. We just looked at each other making sure everyobe was okay, then I saw my mom starting ti float away.

I was confused but I reflectively hold her hand and dad holds mine, then we three started floating together but still inside the house. I am still confused but my parents looked at each other as if they understood what is happening, we float aroubd the house to see out whole rooms, our backyard, then my parebts say something like "Our time has come already" and I was confused because none of us gothurt, out house still intact, I am not exactly scared of dying but I cannot find the connection of what did killed us in the first place.

So I just said ,"Isn't it we're experiencing doppleganger or OBE?" They said nothing then we float higher and faster to see the entire scene of neighbourhood and stoped at certain height to see the entire coty with its beautiful lights under the night sky, then we all float forward into the clouds ubtil we see grassy fields ans beautiful nature scenes.

I remember oje particular scene we are in the nature but there were human man structure like walls and bridges, my parents said that we are going to heaven now and at that moment I cried and keep saying that I cannot believe it because I have been a terrible child, then I confessed all the bad things I have done behind my parents' back. They just laughed a bit and pat my back, telling me that all is forgiven.

Then we made it to this complex where there was a long building that looks like someopen nature buikding where a lot of the hallways are outdoors. There are some people in it and seems like they are having a bazaar, there's a banner saying "Happy Tree Friends" for some reasons, and across the outdoor hallways I was in there are several medium sized, dark grey modern houses but I do remember that in the lore of my dream that's how the japanese advertised how heaven is like (I am studying in Japan but really I am born in Indonesia).

Then I noticed tha I have an anime can badge suddenly appearing in my hand, then mom told ny dad to go to a stall, she wants to look aroudn the bazaar and told me to go along run in the fields and be free. I was confused but I decided to walk anyways, my dad holds a huge anime figuribe and places it on what seems to be an altar which is often used during hinamatsuri (a Japanese festival to celebrate girls, as celebration they put a lot of dolls on the altar).

After that I don't remember what exactly happens until I wake up in real life.
© Skye Nicole